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12 Grimmauld Place

Dumbledore sat at the head of a sturdy old dining table in a home owned by Sirius Black, one of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, a group he had organized long ago during the first war to defeat Voldemort

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Dumbledore sat at the head of a sturdy old dining table in a home owned by Sirius Black, one of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, a group he had organized long ago during the first war to defeat Voldemort. It served as a meeting place for the order and a safe house for any members needing a place to stay. Tonight there was a grim feeling in the room. Everyone had gathered without much talk yet about the events of recent. They were waiting for the official word from Dumbledore.

The old wizard was silent for quite some time before he finally leaned forward and pushed a small card toward the center of the table.

"Hadria...it seems...has voluntarily left the safety of the Dursley home on Privet Dr."

Several members looked shocked. Mrs. Weasley covered her mouth and felt tears sting her eyes.

"Oh no..." she whispered quietly.

The members of the order looked down at the small rectangular piece of plain white cardstock with the words "thank you" written on it.

"At this time the only ones who are aware of her disappearance, are the Dursleys and those within these walls. The Dursleys reported no suspicious activity as of late, only stating she had gone to bed that night and left the residence sometime in the night taking all of her things. That card was left on the kitchen table. Mrs. Dursley immediately notified me upon locating it. The only other item left behind was this. It was found pushed to the back of her wardrobe."

He placed an empty wine bottle on the table. Severus, who was in attendance, recognized this to be a type wine that was kept stocked at the Malfoy Manor...it also happened to be one of Voldemorts favorites. For the time being he decided to keep this information to himself. He was very surprised and confused at the find. This was a very interesting development indeed and he needed to figure out what it meant before alerting anyone. The hesitation was also fueled by his recent feeling of suspicion toward the Headmaster. He still felt as if he were hiding something and his instincts were telling him to hold back.

"For now, until Hadria is located...we continue with our plans."

The rest of the meeting was rather uneventful. Dumbledore simply giving everyone tasks and discussing other issues. Severus was somewhat in his own thoughts. He needed to go see Voldemort and he knew Dumbledore would expect him to do so. The Dark Lord wouldn't take too kindly if he held out reporting on this and he knew Voldemort was aware of this. There were too many signs.

After the meeting he apparated back to his home but would report to Voldemort first thing in the morning.


The next day Severus reported to Malfoy Manor. A house elf let him in and led him to the grand dining room where Voldemort was having breakfast with the Malfoys.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now