Seraphic Grimoire

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"That stupid bitch did this out of pure jealousy...she could have killed me!"

Severus winced as the witches shrill cries echoed through the room.

Severus Snape, his face a mask of detached professionalism, worked his wand in precise, fluid motions over the deep lacerations. "Be still,'s quite difficult to heal as it is without you writhing around moaning," he drawled, his annoyance thinly veiled. Despite his outward appearance, Severus harbored a secret satisfaction at the sight of Bellatrix's injuries, yet his concern for Hadria's well-being gnawed at him. Her emotional state was fragile, a glass figurine on the edge of shattering, and Bellatrix's silence on the matter only served to heighten his unease.

Narcissa Malfoy sat in silent contemplation, her elegant hands clasped tightly in her lap. The chaos that had erupted in her home was a puzzle with missing pieces, and the image it was starting to form was one she could hardly comprehend. The sound of shattering glass and the thunderous crash that had followed Hadria and Voldemort's violent exit through the patio doors still echoed in her ears. Lucius had been rendered speechless by the scene, his usual composure shattered by the sight of the Dark Lord in such a feral state.

"Bella...exactly why did Hadria attack you?" Narcissa's voice cut through the tension, her blue eyes searching for truth amidst the confusion.

Bellatrix's response was a huff of indignation. "Voldemort and I were...caught in an intimate moment," she admitted, her words dropping like stones into the still waters of the room.

Narcissa's eyes widened, and even Severus paused in his healing, the revelation sending shockwaves through the room. The Dark Lord, who had seemed so captivated by Hadria, now entwined with Bellatrix? It was a twist that none could have anticipated.

" and Voldemort?" Narcissa's voice was a whisper of disbelief, her mind struggling to grasp the implications of her sister's confession.

"Yes, Cissy, why is that so hard to believe? I told you there was something between us. She was just...a temporary distraction..." Bellatrix's words were laced with smugness, her confidence unshaken despite her injuries.

Narcissa's disbelief morphed into suspicion, her gaze hardening as she pressed further. "Bellatrix...what did you do?" The question hung in the air, heavy with accusation.

Severus finished his healing and stepped back, his curiosity piqued. Bellatrix crossed her arms defensively, her posture betraying her defiance.

Bellatrix's declaration hung in the air, her voice a tangled web of defensiveness and barely concealed triumph. "I didn't do anything...I could tell he wanted to be with me," she insisted, her gaze challenging anyone to contradict her perceived reality.

Severus, his eyebrow arching in a silent display of skepticism, regarded her with a cool, analytical stare. "That hardly seems possible given he couldn't be bothered to look in your direction just days ago," he retorted, his voice dripping with incredulity. The notion that Voldemort's attentions had shifted so rapidly was implausible at best, and Severus was not one to indulge in delusions.

Bellatrix scoffed, her disdain for Severus's doubt as palpable as the dark magic that lingered in the room. "I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand, Severus. What do you know of such matters?" she snipped, her words sharp as knives, cutting through the tension that filled the space between them.

Severus's response was a mere roll of his eyes, a silent dismissal of her barb as he turned his attention back to Narcissa. "The Dark Lord asked me to join him in the library once I was done. I take my leave," he stated, his tone devoid of emotion, as if the gravity of the situation was nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now