Calm before the Storm

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The early light of dawn had barely begun to seep through the grand windows of the dining hall when Voldemort called the Death Eater meeting

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The early light of dawn had barely begun to seep through the grand windows of the dining hall when Voldemort called the Death Eater meeting. Hadria, his partner...his Dark Lady, was already at his side, her presence a silent testament to the unity within the ranks of the Death Eaters. As they awaited the arrival of the others, Hadria's gaze flickered with a touch of disdain when Bellatrix made her entrance, her attire scandalously less than befitting the occasion, clearly designed to capture Voldemort's attention. Yet, Hadria's reaction remained imperceptible to all but the most observant onlooker.

Voldemort reclined in his chair, the picture of deceptive calm as he absently traced patterns on Hadria's hand. His nonchalance wavered for a mere moment upon Bellatrix's arrival...a fleeting pause that did not escape Hadria's sharp eyes. She studied him, noting the briefest glance he afforded the older witch, his visage an impenetrable mask devoid of emotion.

Bellatrix, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents, took her seat and began a hushed conversation with Narcissa. Hadria couldn't help but notice the extra effort Bellatrix had invested in her appearance; her corset cinched tightly, accentuating her figure, and her usually wild tresses were tamed into an elegant updo. Choosing to disregard the obvious play for attention, Hadria turned her focus away, her thoughts unvoiced but clear...Bellatrix's antics were nothing more than a desperate bid for Voldemort's amusement.

The assembly grew as more Death Eaters filtered in, among them Severus, with Hermione in tow. A fleeting exchange of smiles passed between Hadria and Hermione, a silent acknowledgment of their friendship amidst the brewing storm. It had been days since their paths had crossed, and the familiarity was a welcome respite.

Severus claimed the seat adjacent to Voldemort, his voice a smooth drawl as he greeted, "Good morning, my lord." The Dark Lord offered a nod, an acknowledgment steeped in the gravity of their shared purpose.

Hermione leaned in towards Hadria, her tone light, "Hey! How's it been going?"

A genuine smile graced Hadria's features. "Great, actually. I fell a bit behind with my studies due to the training, but I've managed to catch up. How about you? How's everything at school?"

Hermione's chuckle was tinged with irony. "It's surreal. The students wander the halls, blissfully unaware of the shadows creeping at the edges of their world."

Hadria's smile held a note of wistfulness. "So, nothing's really changed, then."

Even Voldemort couldn't suppress a smirk at the exchange. The ignorance of youth was a constant, as true now as it had been during his own time at Hogwarts.

With the final member seated, Voldemort rose to his full height, his voice resonating with the power of impending conquest. "The hour of reckoning is upon us, my friends. The vanishing cabinet stands ready, does it not, Draco?" His gaze swept across the room, settling on the young Malfoy.

Draco's response was immediate, "Yes, my lord."

Voldemort's gaze swept across the gathered assembly. "Tonight, we divide our forces. Some to Borgin and Burkes to infiltrate Hogwarts, others to the Ministry." He gestured towards Severus, who stood and began distributing parchments detailing their assignments and the legions they would command.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now