The Courage Within

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As the first light of dawn began to gently illuminate the horizon, casting a soft glow over the murky waters of the swamp, Narcissa Malfoy found herself tracing the same path back and forth, her elegant shoes leaving a distinct trail in the damp earth. Her mind was a whirlwind of concern, her heart heavy with anticipation. It was at this moment, as the sun's rays timidly peeked above the treeline, that Hadria Potter appeared with a soft crack, materializing at the wrought-iron gates that marked the boundary of the desolate marshland.

Narcissa's breath caught in her throat as she witnessed Hadria's silhouette falter. The young witch's knees buckled, sending her tumbling to the ground, her fingers releasing the lantern which rolled away, its light flickering erratically. Narcissa's heart skipped a beat, and she hastened towards Hadria, her robes billowing behind her as she closed the distance with swift, determined strides.

"Hadria, what's wrong?" Narcissa inquired, her voice laced with worry as she knelt beside the distraught figure

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"Hadria, what's wrong?" Narcissa inquired, her voice laced with worry as she knelt beside the distraught figure. She extended a comforting arm, drawing Hadria close, enveloping her in an embrace that sought to shield her from the world's cruelties. Hadria's sobs were a heart-wrenching symphony, echoing through the stillness of the swamp.

"I killed him..." Hadria whispered, her voice barely audible above the chorus of nocturnal creatures that called the swamp home. Narcissa's maternal instincts surged to the forefront, her hands cradling Hadria's face with a tenderness that belied her usually composed demeanor.

"Who Hadria? Who did you kill?" Narcissa pressed gently, her gaze locked onto Hadria's tear-streaked face.

"Dumbledore...after...I spoke with him...after he told me...everything...he asked me...he begged me to kill him." Hadria's words were strained, the pain evident in her voice. The revelation of her parents' deaths and the act of ending Dumbledore's life weighed heavily on her heart. "He said Voldemort would find out I'd gone to him and he would end up torturing him for information...and he was probably right...I'm sure he was...but..."

Narcissa tightened her hold, her voice a soothing balm to Hadria's tormented soul. "Oh, Hadria... you have acted with courage and mercy... even if the pain of it clouds your judgment now. Dumbledore's time was drawing to a close regardless of today's events," she murmured, her hands stroking Hadria's back in a rhythm as ancient as time itself, a gesture meant to convey solace and understanding.

They remained locked in their embrace, two souls adrift in a sea of sorrow, until the waves of Hadria's grief began to ebb. With a gentle coaxing, Narcissa encouraged Hadria to her feet, her words a warm blanket in the chill of the morning air. "Come on...lets get you inside," Narcissa spoke with a sincerity that warmed Hadria's heart. Together, they retrieved the lantern and made their way through the gates.

As they walked, Narcissa's curiosity was piqued. "I guess that lantern worked?" she asked, attempting to lighten the mood. Hadria nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, the Dementors were quite scared of it. It worked like a charm."

"And...Dumbledore...he was able to give you some good information?" Narcissa inquired gently, hope lacing her words.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now