Ch.5 : Phase 2

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Birds are chirping, light is shining through my window, and i can hear faint conversations coming from the living room.

My alarm clock on my phone scared me awake and I reached over to check the time. For some reason I couldn't see what time it was, like my eyes were playing tricks on me. Maybe I was just tired?

I decided to get up after a bit until I heard a knock at my door. I tripped over my wolf plushie as I reached to turn the knob.

"Good morning Kody! You're actually up early this time?"


I simply reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders to get a closer look.

"Whats wrong?", Lumine asked.

I looked to my right and was looking down a long hallway in a different house. My home. My actual home. The voices in the living room must be Dad and his workers. How am I back?

I burst into tears. I couldn't hold back even if I tried. No matter how much I wanted to stop, I couldn't stop screaming. I shut my eyes and stumbled back, falling onto the floor of my old bedroom. I buried my head into my arms, confused and scared. My own screaming was starting to get unbearable.

My throat was in terrible pain so I tried to open my eyes but behind my tears was even worse.

I was in an alleyway, disgusting and dark with trashed signs everywhere. I couldn't read the signs though. I was suddenly outside and everything I loved was gone. I immediately stood up but to hear no noise at all.

I started to call out for Lumine. Then for Dad. Even for Sherry and Bill. I began to cry again. I walked down the alley and turned the next corner.

I somehow ended up on a rooftop of a building. I had never been so high up. It felt so cool and calming but I was still searching for someone. I looked down and what was under me sent a chill down my spine.

Hundreds, no thousands of people crowded the streets below me. I had never seen anything like it since I have lived in a rural area my whole life. How was I supposed to find Lumine in this crowd?

How the fuck was I supposed to do anything? How was I supposed to help? Is there anything I can possibly do to get him back? I can't possibly find him in this sea of people.

Many had white hair and red hoodies but could definitely not be him. It's like the world is taunting me. I knew it was close to impossible spotting him from here but for some reason, I still looked down.

"LUMINE", I screamed.

No response.

Everytime I told myself I would go find a way off this building, I just couldn't peel myself away from the edge and couldn't stop searching. Eventually, the sun was setting.

I had become desperate, I stayed there for what felt like hours upon hours and looked at every single person several feet below me. I leaned over the ledge to try to get a closer look. I just wanted to see better. If only I had wings to fly, this would be so much easier.

I leaned too far and slipped.

I jolted awake. Tears were running down my face and it was hard to breathe. It was just some cruel nightmare. Everyone I have ever loved is still dead. What kind of nasty prank is the universe trying to play on me? This life is so fucking unfair.

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