Chapter 4-
"Hmm hm hmm hm hm" I hummed up the stairs to my bedroom after getting back from the mall. I was in complete la la land Devin's perfect I like him so much and I've just met him, but you know the heart wants what the heart wants, I laugh at myself.
"So who is he?" T.C asked standing in my doorway.
"Who's who?" I asked trying to seem clueless.
"The guy your obviously in love with just look at your face, your smitten. You're also humming a sweet tune, who is he?" He asked again.
"Okay, you know the guy at the auditions? He was at the mall today! He bought me a smoothie and we talked for a while" I told him. T.C is my best friend I wasn't not going to tell him plus he keeps all my secrets and this is definitely a secret.
"Ohh how cute" he teased "by the way where's that job u supposedly have?" He asked sitting on my bed.
"Oh yah if Jayk asks tell him HMV okay?" I told him whispering he knows me to well to know that I obviously made that up, plus I just told him I was with Devin.!
He closed my door fully and started speaking in a more hushed tone just making sure no one else hears us, he's got my back.
"So did he ask you out?" He whispered.
"Not really, but we are meeting each other again" I told him.
"Oooo, my bestie has a boyfriend it's about time" he laughed poking my sides making me giggle.
"He's not my boyfriend I hardly know him" I said chasing him around my room now.
"You know him well enough" he joked as I caught him and tickled his sides.
"Ow stop
"I hate you"
"Your just mad cause your losing"
"Get of me"
"Gotta kiss me first"
"Eww stop"
"Never mwah ha ha"
T.C laughed as we play fought in my bedroom me was sitting on top of me legs ether side of me. I was in the laying down position it was really awkward, some would say. But not us bffs we do this on a daily basis! Play fighting is our game well that and any video game you throw at us.
"Wanna play our video game now?" He asked.
"Anything to get you off me, and to get air back, you're suffocating me (cough)" I played.
T.C stepped off and we ran over to the upstairs living room with the PS3, and started our game.
"Go ahead do it"
"Do I have too?"
"Um yeah it was part if the bet, I won now do it!"
"Make me"
"Stop being stupid we both agreed to these rules now just do it" I snapped.
"Tweet there happy?" T.C asked as he sent out the embarrassing tweet on how a 15 year old girl (me) can beet him at a guys video game.!
"Yes ima be amazing" I said.
"Whatever you got lucky... Again" he admitted.
"Oh sure I just get lucky everytime right, you just won't admit I have skill and you don't" I teased.
"Hey you better stop or I'm pouring this down your top" he said holding up a carton of milk as we stood in the kitchen now.
"Do that and I swea..huuhh..... You did not just do that" I said as the cold milk slid down the front of my shirt.
"Oh yah I did" he smiled proud of himself, but he doesn't know what's about to hit him.
I open the cabinet and crack the lid open on a ketchup bottle without him noticing yet, making him think I was cleaning my now milk soaked shirt and bra.
I turned around quickly and squeezed the bottle really hard and before T.C himself knew it he was red handed well red everythinged. Teaches him not to mess with a girl.
Suddenly we were throwing back different foods, spreads, and liquids making the kitchen an entire mess. We do this all the time, play fight it's kinda expected, so nobody gets too mad as long as we clean it up.
"Really guys again, next time you guys decide to have this much fun include me and Jayk in" Drew laughed at our covered in all sorts of stuff bodies.
"But for now go take a shower you guys smell nasty" Jayk complained.
"Oh yah but remember call us next time you decide to have a food fight, we wanna have fun too" Jayk called to us as we raced up stairs to shower.
"I smell like milk, cheese and pickle juice put together, ugh gross" I complained.
"You think you smell? I smell like ketchup, week old gravy, and fish juice put together, ewww" T.C complained.
"Yah I think you both smell like barf bags" Jayk said walking past us into his bedroom.
"Okay so you take this bathroom and I'll take that one" T.C pointed.
"Oh sure give yourself the bigger bathroom" I said.
"Fine wanna fight for it?" He asked.
I smiled "YES" I said knocking him to the floor.
"Yeah you make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand" I sang Demi Lavoto while walking down the hall in in my bath rob, with a towel around my head.
If your wondering I won again and got the bigger bathroom.
As I got into my room I heard my phone dance it's ringtone and without looking I just answered.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey Val it's Devin what's up"? Devin asked oh no I'm gonna die he called me already, well at least he did.
"Oh hey, nothing really you?" I said back trying to play it cool.
"Oh just hanging with Zac, and um I think we should start on Tuesday" Devin said talking about when we should start our dancing.
"Ok Tuesday sounds cool ill have some choreography ready for you by that time so it's perfect. By the time we're done with dancing you will definitely make that band thing" I said. I didn't really want him knowing yet about how Jayk is my brother and stuff I kinda want it to be a surprise.
"Thanks Val you're a great help I'll see you on Tuesday" he sounded so seductive through the phone I couldn't help the butterflies forming in my stomach.
"Yah see you Tuesday! Bye!" I said and hung up, throwing the phone on my bed and heavily sighing while smiling to myself thinking how much fun this is gonna be!!!!
Author's note- so? Short chapter I know but I had to get this chapter over with. Anyway hope you enjoyed I love Val and T.C's friendship a lot I think it's really cute anyway vote, fan and please comment I never get comments I would like at least one to know if you like it or not!!!

My three types of love!!! ( An After Romeo Fan Fiction) [IN EDITING]
FanfictionCOMPLETED! Valerie Purdy sister of Jayk Purdy bestfriend of T.C carter and girlfriend of un determined, goes along with her brother for auditions for their not so complete band. She sits in the waiting room and meets a very cute boy who ends up bein...