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48 epilogue

6 years later...

"She looks so gorgeous" I whispered to Bri who was standing next to me as the bride made her way down the isle.

"Oh my god I know, I hope I look that good at my wedding next month!" She gushed.

"Oh you will, you always do. Blake is the one you have to worry about looking good" I said making fun of Blake by basically calling him ugly.

"Oh shut up" she warned me.

"Um excuse me bu"

"Guys quiet!" Sandra said from behind the both of us and we shut up and continued watching the bride walk down the isle to her groom.

The priest started to speak.

"Daddy!" Drew and Sandra's daughter said excitedly and ran over to Jayk's best man.

"Shhh baby be quiet" he told her and held on to her hand.

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest said and finally, Jayk and Mallory are married.

After Jayk told me about dani I'd never thought he'd fall in love again, this is great. Him and Mallory just showed everyone how in love they are.

I can't believe it Brianna and Blake are getting married next month, Skyler and T.C got married 2 years ago and expecting a little boy soon, Sandra and Drew married three years ago and have a beautiful little girl named Melisa, as for me and Devin we're still just dating but we still love each other to death!


"So to my brother and new sister, I love you!" I said through the microphone giving a toast to my brother and now sister in law. This was honestly the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to, and I'm so happy for my brother. I thought I'd never see this day.

I sat back down in between Devin and Brianna and we all started chatting about random things. Devin looks a little shaky and nervous tonight. I wonder why, I mean everything has been perfect these past couple of years.

"Oh my god Val, One Direction's, What makes you beautiful, we have to go dance" Bri gushed. Wow it's been years since I last heard this. The band by now has kinda broke up, but Harry, Niall, and Liam are doing solo stuff now. Niall being the most popular writing all his own music, he was always my favorite lol.

"Oh my god, it's been forever! Okay let's go!" I said and followed her to the dance floor were we jumped around for 3 minutes. Witch is weird for me because I'm actually a good dancer, after all I did teach Devin and that's kinda how he got into the band and also how we kind of got together.

After the song finished we went back to our table to have cake, witch was gorgeously made by Sandra herself she wasn't only a teacher you know.


"Huh, oh my god!" I said looking at Devin. He has the same expression in his face. We were filled with excitement.

"It's our song" Devin finally said.

"I know c'mon"
I said and we got up to dance we were the only 2 out there while everybody was eating there cake.
Kiss it bye bye was playing. This was our song the sing we got to know each other over the one that was playing when we had our first kiss. This was our song. It's really hard to do these moves in the brides maid dress Mallory had picked out for us girls, but I'm still having a blast everyone is watching us in surprise I bet.

The song finished and we gave each other a kiss, oh the memories! Everyone started to clap.

"Guess we still got it" he winked at me.

"Oh we definitely do!" I assured him as a slow song started to play.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked me.

"I'd love to Devin" I answered and wrapped my arms around his neck, and he landed his on my waste.

We slow danced for a full three minutes of the song. Another slow song played so we just went with it.

"Valerie" Devin whispered in my ear as I lay my head over his shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"I have to ask you so- something" he stuttered.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Come with me" he said and grabbed one of my hands and lead me to a small bridge over a river outside of the wedding venue.

The outside of this place is gorgeous the river is covered by trees dressed in golden Christmas lights. When I get married I know where I'm going.

It was quiet outside aside from some crickets, frogs and the water running in the river.

"This is so beautiful, right Devin" I told him.

"Yes it is, but not as beautiful as you" he complimented, I smiled at him.

"You flirt" I said playfully hitting his arm. I walked over to look at the water. The sun was just setting, over the water it looks so gorgeous.

He snaked his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck.

"God I love you" he said.

"What were you gonna ask me?" I asked turning to him. He smiled.

"Valerie, 7 years ago when I saw you at the auditions to be in a band I never thought I'd be standing right here in front of you doing what I'm about to do. You were so beautiful, you still are, and I will never forget how you fell off the chair trying to hear me an Zac talk about how gorgeous you were" we laughed.

Anyway, through all the ups, downs, secrets, and everything else, you loved me and I loved you through it all. And I will never stop loving you till the day I die. So I already asked your brother...."

He bent down on one knee and my right hand went straight to my mouth in surprise.

"He said it was totally ok with him.
Valerie Lydia Purdy, be my one and only Juliet forever and always, Marry me?" He asked pulling out the ring box and opening it to show a cute simple diamond ring.

I was about to cry, I love Devin this is amazing. I'm in love with this boy, so my answer is obvious...And the fact that my brother said yes is unbelievable!

I took a deep breath and pulled my hand away from my mouth.

"No" I said. His smile faded so quickly.

"What?" He asked. I smiled big.

"I'm just kidding loser, of course. I love you so much!" I said. He stood up fast with the huge smile back on his face. He lips attached to mine so quickly with so must passion and love. This is all I ever wanted a happily ever after! And I got it! This is my happily after!

Authors note.... Oh damn here it is finished finally. I have nothing to say except thank you guys! Goodbye please read my other fan fictions!

My three types of love!!! ( An After Romeo Fan Fiction) [IN EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now