When Haewon Meets Kkami

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"Lino, you did so well today in English so i wanted to give you this!" Haewon said handing him a plushie.

"What is this?" He asked looking at it. "It's a tiger plushie. Every time you see it you'll be reminded of me! It even has something special, but you'll have to figure that out yourself." She said happily watching him holding the little tiger.

"Does it make noise?" HOW DID HE FIGURE THAT OUT ALREADY? "Uh... i don't know!" she tried to cover up but yeah, didn't work that well. "When is the bus coming?" she asked trying to change the conversation as soon as possible, which made Lee Know chuckle a bit.
"Im home!" He yelled walking into the house which somehow fits 8 children.

"Where were you? Also what is that?" Seungmin asks pointing at the plushie in his hand. "I got it from Haewon." He casually answered.

"Gosh just fuck already you're killing me..." Seungmin whispered under his breath, somehow Lee Know heard it and pulled out some tissues from his pocket, but by the time he pulled them out, Seungmin already ran away to find his father.

While walking into his room, he squished the plushies leg and he suddenly heard something come from it.

"Good job Lino! Keep doing this well and more surprises will come to you~. From the best tutor in the world, Choi Haewon"

He smiled and sat down at his desk and played the recording again, and again, and again... He could listen to her voice for hours without getting bored. He then suddenly got a notification.

Choi Haewon

Do you have any concerts
or events coming up?

Yeah we have a fan sign in Busan next week.

Oh wow! i hope i'll be doing fan signs
too when i debut ^^


Lee Know is actually very curious about her debut, but at the same time worried. Everyone knows about the diets, workouts and etc, but hes not sure how Haewon will be able to handle that and how she'll deal with all the fame. There are creepy people out here and that's undeniable.

"Sweetie... can you do me a favour..." My dad asks with a suspicious tone. "Appa, whats with that tone." He then looks me in the eye and i immediately understand what he wants.

"Appa! It's the weekend and my only 2 days off, you're really gonna make me do groceries that you're supposed to do?"

"Your mom will kill me if i don't get her rice okay! Also you need that energy to become an idol, come on! Go! Go!" He said pushing me out of the house.

"I DONT EVEN HAVE MONEY!" I yelled when he closed the door on me. Suddenly i look down and saw a bill of 5000 won sliding from the door. I sighed and took my bike out of the garage.

As i was biking to the store i passed by a park and saw a boy sitting there, with a dog.

"Lino!" I yelled and waved my hand. Suddenly i saw the tiny dog running at me, and guess what happens!

BOOM! Fall down and scratch my knee towards the hard floor. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh" i kept repeating over and over again when i saw myself bleeding. Right, funfact: i can't handle the sight of blood.

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