Why Do Bad Things Keep Crashing On Me?

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"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, again. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, again..." Lee Know counted repeatedly.

Haewon has to learn this new choreography for MAMA, since she has to preform a solo performance, well kind of. There's gonna be 2 parts where she'll have to dance with a male dancer. The problem is, they didn't tell her who she was preforming with yet. She learned the choreography from the choreographer and now she's just taking extra lessons with Lee Know to improve the little details that might be missing. (the dance, concept and etc are all in the end of the chapter).

"Facial expressions please." He pointed out. "Tilt your head a bit here."
"Watch your knees watch your knees!" He yelled and i fell to the ground.

"Look i get you wanna help, but could you please go a little easier on me? I learned it like 30 minutes ago!" She snapped at Lee Know. Haewon let out a sigh and mumbled "sorry..."

"Take a break, meanwhile I'll try to learn the duo part so it'll be easier for you." He said and gave the girl a small smile.

Im not sure how he does it, but Lee Know learned the dance in about 15 minutes. "How the hell did you learn it so fast." Haewon said with her mouth agape. He just shrugged and motioned her to get up.

"Let's just try it from the duo part." He said and she played the music. After the 30 second duet ended they both fell to the ground. "See." She said looking at the exhausted boy. He chuckled at her and stood up.

"Let's do it with the counts."
"Gosh how is it 10PM already?" Haewon asked coming out of one of the dressing rooms. "Gosh whats with them and locking me in?" Lee Know murmured not expecting her to hear it.

"LOCK US IN? THEY CAN DO THAT?" She yelled shocked.
"I think so."
"How are you so chill about it?" She asked because she's obviously freaking out as if she just found out- nvm.

"I got locked in like 4 times with Jisung, we just slept in the practice room, no big deal." He reassured her.
"Oh thank god!" She exclaimed and Lee Know couldn't help but laugh at her embarrassing panicked ass.

"Hey! Don't laugh!" She yelled frowning and he just tried to keep his smile. "Im going to my practice room okay?" She said before leaving the room. "Sweet dreams!"she added.

While walking to her practice room she couldn't help but get scared. "No! You can't get scared! That's embarrassing?" She kept telling herself. She turned on her phone flashlight to see where she was going.

When she finally arrived to her practice room she let out a giant sigh. "Gosh finally some actual light..." She said before turning on the light switch. Wait... wait just give me a second, just one second... WHAT THE FUCK. OH MY GOD, RYUJIN TOLD HER THAT THE LIGHTS ALWAYS GO OFF AT NIGHT ON HER FLOOR... are u kidding me.

Its fine! Its fineeeee!!!!! Its just the darkness, no biggie! Just go to sleep peacefully...! Okay fuck no i give up.

Knock Knock

"The lights wont turn on! Can you blame me?" He sighed and opened the door gesturing her to get in.

"Sleep wherever you want, im sleeping by the bags." He said and laid down. She just nodded and looked around, was it always this messy?

She put her bags down near the mirror and took a blanket from the storage. Just try to sleep Haewon, just sleep!

1AM: woke up and went back to sleep.
1:30AM: woke up and went back to sleep.
2AM: woke up and went back to sleep.
3AM: okay fuck it.

She put on her headphones and played the music of her choreography while quietly dancing in the same position. "1 2 3 4..." she whispered to herself.

After a few minutes she stood up and started to work on footwork, still trying to be as quiet as possible so that Lee Know doesn't wake up.

Exhausted, she sits down on the floor panting.


From what im hearing, i think Haewon is practicing. I secretly opened one eye to see if i was right, which i was. After a few minutes i tried to sleep but i couldn't, so i just laid there thinking about... i don't even know.

sniff, sniff

I suddenly heard someone sniffing, i opened my eyes secretly and saw Haewon on the floor crying. I started panicking, not knowing what to do. I wanted to walk up to her but then she started speaking.

"What do i do? Im so fucking tired and i haven't even debuted. Im grateful i swear, but can't i have one thing that i want? Im trying my best to become a good dancer, yet i can barely remember the dance, im trying to get with the boy i like, yet he keeps getting annoyed by me. Im not even a bad person, im nice, i help people, im grateful and more... so why do bad things keep crashing on me Lord?" She sobbed.

I decided to not go up to her and let her let everything out, i didn't want her to feel embarrassed. I don't want to admit it, but i felt like a total dick after hearing what she said.

"Good morning." I said rubbing my eyes after getting up. Looks like Lee Know woke up earlier since he was cleaning up.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.
"I hope i didn't wake you up, i practiced at night."
"You didn't, don't worry." He said, not looking at me.

I sighed and stood up looking at the mirror. My hair was a bit messy and my shirt needed desperate ironing.

"Um, im gonna go before your members arrive, i don't want rumours to start." I said awkwardly before leaving.

sorry this was a shorter chapter

okay so basically the choreography that you're gonna be dancing is 'you & me' by Jennie but instead of the male part having like a really short part in the dance, it's gonna be a bit longer

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okay so basically the choreography that you're gonna be dancing is 'you & me' by Jennie but instead of the male part having like a really short part in the dance, it's gonna be a bit longer

The concept is gonna be sort of a princess finding her prince and shi like... also if you have a better dance that fits this concept pls tell me!!!!!!

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