Go and See a Brighter Light

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"Summer market?" Yeji asked Haewon.
"Yes, Lino said there's a summer market near here tomorrow. He said he wanted us to go together. What do you guys think of confessing to him using this opportunity?"

"Why not?" Han answered. Yeji, Han and Haewon have formed a small gossip sleepover at Haewon's every Sunday.

"I think so too, but Wony, i've always had this question for you in mind. How are you sure that you like Minho?" Yeji asked the girl who suddenly paused by her thoughts.

"Am i not the person who should know best about who i like? When he is happy im happier with him, when hes upset i also get upset. With him, i don't find dancing to be hard. Once hes not around, even the holiday feels long. Liking someone means caring for him. Have you guys ever felt this way?" They both shook their heads no.

"Well not only do we need to pick out an outfit for your little date, we also need a DETAILED plan. Well, the k-dramas I've been watching are finally doing me some good." Han exclaimed before opening the girls closet.

"Now, don't see me as a creep or something but... you need to wear something a bit more revealing." Han said which made Haewon grimace. He took out a black button up shirt and a cheetah print skirt (reference pics above).

After hours of discussing and fighting about the plan, they finally agreed upon something. By now it's already the next day and she's waiting for Lee Know by a fountain. She kept looking down to make sure one of her boobs didn't flop out or something, well anyway. She looked at Yeji and Han who were hiding between the bushes, somehow Seungmin was there too. She quickly brushed off the confusion and reapplied her lipgloss. When she looked behind her she saw the boy she was waiting for.

"Step 1: change the way you speak. Speak softly and in a coquettish way. Act cute. Most importantly, call him oppa. Many guys like that!" Yeji said the night before.

"Lino over here!" She waved and gave a cute gummy smile as he walked over.
"Have you been waiting for a long time?" He asks concerned and she shook her head.

"No, i just arrived. Come on oppa, let's go!" She said and he just looked at her. "Choi Haewon, act normal." He quickly humbled her. "Right, haha, umm. My throat wasn't feeling well. It's feeling much better now, let's go." She quickly lied and dragged him away in embarrassment.

Step 1: fail. But no biggie because there's still a step 2! Create physical contact opportunities. For example, she can 'accidentally' touch his arm or fall into his embrace, then you will feel your heart racing.

While she was walking next to Lee Know, she was looking at who could be her victim for her plan, trying to get hit by someone by the shoulder. Finally she accidentally got hit and fell into his arms.

"Oh god! That was close Lino, im glad you're around." Haewon said before opening her eyes, revealing a confused Lee Kn... WAIT WHAT? THAT ISNT LEE KNOW!

This girl fell into the arms of a random stranger and just basically complimented the wrong person. She quickly looked to her left to see a confused Lee Know who just stared at the girl, hiding his laugh.

"Are you alright?" The guy said helping her properly stand up. "H-how... how?" She stuttered in utter confusion and embarrassment.

"Thankfully i was quick to react, look how skinny you are!" He squished Haewons arms who was close to just a bone, obviously not like that but you know what i mean. "You'd have been badly hurt if you had fallen. Sorry." He said before aggressively patting her back.

Lee Know tried to stop himself from laughing. "Are you alright?"
"Im fine..." She lowered her head. "Let's walk on the sidewalk then." He led her to the sidewalk.

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