So Minho Likes Flowers

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"Dude i think im hungover." Changbin said after standing up, his hair all crazy.

"You had one glas of wine, don't cry." Ryujin scoffed and he just looked her up and down.

"We should go to Momo Cafe for breakfast." Bangchan suggested.
"A buffet in the morning? Are you sure?" Haewon asked while seated on the couch.
"Well, it's 7:30 right now and breakfast ends at 10, so i guess we can go like... now?"

The hardest part of waking up with Stray Kids, is literally waking them up. By the time the girls woke up, the boys fell back to sleep. After about 10 minutes of torture, everyone was finally awake.

"I wanna look like Christina Aguilera." Haewon said looking at the mirror, while the other 5 girls were either doing their makeup or skincare.
"Do her makeup, I'll help you with your aegyosal." Yeji said applying blush on herself.

Haewon did a classic 2000s look, which turned out amazing. Her glittery top and shorts making it look even better.
"Haewon, it's just breakfast!" Seungmin scoffed and she just rolled her eyes.
"You're just jealous she looks good." Felix said.
"Thanks, you too." Haewon smiled checking him out and Hyunjin oooh'd.

"Minho, you better control your girl!" Hyunjin yelled and Lee Know took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, but for some reason Hyunjin immediately ran to his hyung. "CHANNIE SAVE ME!!!!!"
"Dude this is amazing!" Chaeryeong said and everyone agreed. "Im so full!" Jeongin exclaimed. Lee Know was laughing almost the whole time which made Haewon so happy, but towards the end he got a little, let's just say jealous...

"You should try this!" Haewon opens her mouth as Felix feeds her a piece of strawberry. "What the? How is it so sweet! Mine are always sour!" They both chuckled.
"We need to hang out more, you're cooler than i thought." Felix said and Haewon scoffed. "Tell me something i don't know." She said sarcastically and he laughed.

"What did i say?" Hyunjin whispers in Lee Know's ear and he pushes his stomach with his elbow.

"Right! We should go to the beach tomorrow!" Bangchan said and everyone turned their heads towards him.

"Really? Why?" Han asks.
"I don't know, we're all bored and after all, we're all best friends and best friends do these types of activities."

"That's so cool, our first actual sort of road trip!" Yuna says cutely and everyone smiles at her cuteness.

"Hey Lino, what time is practice usually?" Haewon asked.
"around 9:50 i think..."
"Isn't it 9:46 right now..." Jeongin points out.
"What are we doing then? Run!"
"11...12... and 13!" Bangchan counted his kids. We all met up in front of Bangchan's house to go to the beach!

"Are you sure your car will fit?" Lia asked looking at the small car which can probably fit about 6 people.

"Of course not, i called someone to drop us off!" He smiled and we all let out a breath that we've been holding in, thinking of the fact that we might've squeezed ourselves in the 6 person car...

"Lino, are you excited?" Haewon asked the boy as she walked next to him, yet he didn't answer.
"Why are you so quiet? Did i upset you yesterday?" He held the back of his neck and said no.
"Lino-ah, i know you're lying. Were you maybe... jealous of Yongbok?" She smirked.
He touched his neck again and said no while she just chuckled.

After about an hour of riding, we arrived at the beach.
"Look at the view!" Yeji screamed and we looked at the beautiful pink sky.

"You know, the best part about this isn't just the view. It's also free." Seungmin randomly said and they chuckled.
"Come on let's swim!" He insisted but the girls wanted to lay down.

The girls were lying down, tanning, while the boys were having a water fight.
"Come on girls! Get in!" Hyunjin screamed before getting pushed in the water by Felix.

"Theres no way im getting my Dior bikini wet!" Haewon yelled back before lying down again.

Suddenly someone picks her up.

"YO LET ME DOWN!!!!" She screams at the guy while carried her in bridal style. She looked at whoever it was and was shocked when she saw Lee Know. Before even realising it, she quickly became red.

"STOP!" She yelled before being thrown into the water. "Im gonna fucking kill you!"

After lots of fighting and fun, they sat down admiring the view.

"We've been sitting here for so long. I guess our clothes are dry by now." Hyunjin said.
"I feel so great. It feels like the breeze is blowing all my worries away." Yeji said.
"It's the feeling of summer!" Jeongin smiled.
"Speaking of summer, It reminds me of the summer sleeping mat and my grandmas bean soup." Han stated.

"I hope this summer can last forever!" Haewon screamed as loud as she can.
"We'll return next summer!" Han also screamed.
"And the summer when we're 18, 19 and the years to come!" Ryujin screamed.
"But i prefer this summer!" Changbin yelled and everyone laughed.

Haewon looked over at Lee Know, who was holding a small flower in his hand. She didn't realise she was staring, so it took her off guard when he handed her the flower.
"Here, it seems like you like it."
"You got this move wrong again." Lee Know told the sweaty Haewon. He was helping her learn her choreography for her upcoming debut.
"Look I'll show you." He said and demonstrated what she needed to do.
"Gosh you even know it better." she whispered.
"Pardon?" He asked.

"Oh? Well uh... i've come across a trendy saying from some forum. The contrapositive of the "i like you" statement is if someone doesn't like you, that person wouldn't be me, right?" She randomly blabbered.

"I like you" He started saying. "can't be made as a preposition. Because the matter of the heart can't be judged true or false."
"What?" She asked.
"But how can liking someone be false?" She questioned.

"If we were to change the subject to equal value, the preposition can be altered like this. If i exist, my love for you exists. Convert this to a contraposition."

"If i don't like you anymore, then i wouldn't be me."

idk when to make the actual confession 😜

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