On Doomsday, I Want to Tell You...

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"Come here!" I told Lee Know while pointing at the seat. "Here let me help you." He put my luggage up and we sat down.

There were 3 seats: Hyunjin, Yeji and Han were on one and in front of them were Seungmin, Felix and Yuna.

Chan, Ryujin and Jeongin were sitting on the left side and in front of them were Lia, Changbin and Chaeryeong.

By coincidence me and Lee Know sat alone behind them, that might seem sad but actually i was pretty glad.

"Are we arriving after 12?" Yeji asked.
Everyone nodded. Me and Lee Know are taller than the seats so when we look behind us we see everything pretty clearly.
"Have you forgotten what day it is today?" Yeji reminds us.

"Its the 20th today?" Changbin says confused then gasps in shock when he realised. "After midnight, its doomsday..."

"Suddenly, i feel something different with this train ride..." Hyunjin said. "What are you doing?" He asks Han who was on his phone.

"Telling my grandma it's doomsday today, and telling her that our fate as grandparent-grandchild ends here. In the next life, i want to be her grandson again..." He says and he starts sobbing while everyone is trying to hold their laughs.

"Did she reply to you?" Lee Know asked.
He sighs and says yes.
"What did she say?" Yuna asks with a grin, knowing that his grandma would say something... not nice.
"You little rascal." He says embarrassed and everyone laughs at him. His grandma is QUEEN.

"It feels like we're wandering at the world's end now." I say and look at Lee Know.
"Could it be that only this train had escaped the doomsday?" Chaeryeong asks and Hyunjin sighs.

"It seems like i can't hide this from you after all." Bangchan says looking down, everyone looks at him confused. "To be honest, this train is heading to... Hogwarts." He joked but nobody laughed.

"Whats Hogwarts?" Ryujin asks confused.
"I really hope you're joking." Jeongin says with hide mouth wide open. We all laughed and joked almost the whole time.

I accidentally fell asleep without realising, when i opened my eyes, the first thing i saw was Lee Know sleeping right in front of me. He looks so freaking cute! I couldn't help but sneakily take a picture of him. I quickly closed my eyes again when i saw him open his eyes. He smiled at the sight of his friend sleeping, doesn't it sound weird when you say that our relationship is just friendship?

Suddenly everyone was shaken awake by Han's loud ass voice. "Huh? What time is it?"
"Oh my god! It's already 11:55!" I looked back facing my friends.
"Only 5 minutes left." Seungmin sighs.

"Why do i feel more anxious as we get closer to midnight?" Lia said with obvious stress on her face.

"If... i mean if it's really doomsday in 5 minutes, what should we do?" Han asked.


Suddenly Haewon got an idea, she took out her camera from my bag. "Then let's leave something behind at least. Everyone will have about 20 seconds to say something."

"Oh wow! Okay I'll go first." Han insists and clears his voice as if started the camera.

"It's the final minute, let me summarise my life as Han Jisung. I used to be clueless until i met a group of a bunch of stray kids, including the girls who truly changed me and reshaped me. I really like the person i've become now and thats all thanks to them." He almost rapped, then gave the word to Hyunjin.

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