My Wish When I Was 20 Was About You

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"Why won't you celebrate your birthday?" Yeji asks Haewon while sitting down at the lunch table.
"Wait? You're not celebrating your birthday?" Jisung asks sounding offended.
"There's nothing special about it, you know." Haewon defended herself.

"Well we all disagree, how about we go to a restaurant today, your treat." Ryujin suggests and Haewon nods.

"Let's go after practice then!" Haewon smiles and everyone agreed. After hours of practicing, they finally finished at about 7pm, which is perfect timing.
"Come on let's g-" She was saying before being cut off by staff.

"Choi Haewon, JYP wants to see you in his office." The staff said before leaving.

"Oh, uhh, go ahead to the restaurant without me, I'll catch up with you guys." Haewon said to the girls before leaving. She was pretty annoyed since she wanted to spend her time with her friends, but at the same time she didn't want to get fired.

"Hello, sir. You wanted to see me?" She asks. "Don't worry it's nothing bad, you know the recent online auditions we've made recently? Well we've gotten lots of auditions and i think you have a good eye for future idols. Can you maybe check out like a quarter of them? Or are you busy?"

"No it's fine!" She hesitantly answered.
Turns out a quarter equals to about over an hour and a half. "Shit, im late to my own birthday dinner!" She kept swearing in her head.

"Sir, i finished. Im gonna leave now." She bowed politely and before she could leave the room, JYP said something that took her off guard.

"Happy birthday Haewon, now go catch up with your friends." He said. She quickly thanked him before closing the door. How did he know she was hanging out with friends? Well, it was too late anyway.

"It's too late, just go home, we'll celebrate my birthday tomorrow." Haewon texted Yeji who just agreed with her. While walking home she suddenly stumbled upon a sign...

"Miss Choi Haewon, the challenge starts. This way please!" The sign said with an arrow pointing to the left, her frown quickly turned into a huge smile. Following the arrow, she sees another sign.

"Come on, you're almost there!"  It said with another arrow pointing towards the left. She excitedly followed to path until she saw the last sign.

"Choi Haewon, turn around!" It said, she furrowed her eyebrows and looked behind her, not expecting everyone to stand there.

"Happy birthday to you..." Bangchan sang as everyone else sang too. She looked around to see her girls and all of Stray Kids there singing to her, which shocked her the most is seeing Momo and Dahyun there, who were singing and filming the scenery.

"Happy birthday Choi Haewon, happy birthday to you!" They ended the song while pushing the cake towards her, signalling that she should blow out the candles. Haewon stared at the cute cake which was decorated with pink icing and a picture of strawberry shortcake, which is her favourite fictional character.

"Make a wish!" Lia smiled and Haewon closed her eyes and held her hands together as if she was praying.

I wish Lee Minho would have the same feelings as i do.

She blew out the candles, with a bright smile which showed her gums.

"Wasn't my idea great? I made JYP give you work so you can come later." Yeji said, proud of her idea.

"Oh my god i love you guys so much." She started randomly crying all of a sudden while kneeling down on the floor.
"Hey! Don't cry! Don't cry!" Momo started chanting and they all joined in which made Haewon laugh.

"Come on, let's go to Bangchan's place and eat something, and don't worry about telling your mom because we already took care of that." Lee Know stroked her back and helped her stand up which automatically gave her butterflies.
"DUDE THATS SALT!" Changbin yelled at Felix who almost poured salt into the cookie batter. Changbin, Felix, Han, Ryujin, Lia and Bangchan are in charge of the food meanwhile the others are in the living room watching Running Man.

"She did not just make him put his feet in the water!" Chaeryeong gasped and the funny and shocking scene of Song Jihyo being a badass. "Kim Jong Kook is kinda fine..." Momo whispered and the girls squealed as they agreed with her.

"Haewon..." Lee Know whispered at the girl next to him. "Mhm?"
"Can we talk privately?" He asked her and she nodded.
"Im gonna grab something really quickly, meet me in the guest bedroom." He said and she nodded again.

She walks up to the guest bedroom, curious of what he might want to talk to her about. Just as the curiosity started growing, he walked in.

"Lino, you wanted to see me?"
"Yes..." He said and paused for a few seconds before taking a deep breath.
"Happy birthday, Choi Haewon." He said taking out a wrapped up gift that he hid behind his back.

She excitedly opened the gift, revealing a polaroid camera. She gasps at it and smiles at the boy.
"I think you'll like it." He said and she smiled even wider.
"Thank you, this is the happiest birthday i've ever had. When you go on your world tour, I'll make sure to take lots of pictures and send them to you." She said, getting a bit sad.

By now Stray Kids are literally everywhere around the world, which only makes it right to do a world tour. Unfortunately for Haewon, she won't be able to see her crush for months or maybe even a year because of it.

"Can you grant me a wish too?" She asks.
"What is it?"
"Will you come back when i finish the photo paper?" She asks and he smiles.
"Promise?" Haewon asks getting teary eyed.


" ______________________________

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this is so cute

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