Copy and Paste, I've Learned It

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"Would you like us to take a picture of you two for our 10 year anniversary?" A waiter asked and Haewon nodded excitedly and smiled at Lee Know before sitting next to him.

"1...2...3!" She counted. At three Haewon took Lee Know off guard by kissing his cheek. The woman gave them the polaroid and told them to write something on it.

"Copy and paste." Haewon smiled at her creativeness. "What does that mean?" Lee Know asked confused.

"You don't know? Everything you do, i do. Everything you feel, i feel. Everything you say, i say and everywhere you go, i go." She said and he chuckled.

"Come on let's go, we can't be late for the sleepover or else everyone else will suspect other stuff." She smiled softly at the seated boy and he nodded, taking her hand in his.

"Let's take the bus, just like when you were a trainee. Remember?" He said and she nodded embarrassed. "It was so oblivious that i liked you, how did you not realise?"

They sat down at their usual seat and stayed silent for a few minutes, Lee Know looked at the girl next to him to see her asleep with her head falling on all sorts of directions. He put her head on his shoulder, i guess Haewon felt very uncomfortable so she kept moving her head towards his chest, moving closer to his neck, at some point closer to his lips. The boy couldn't resist but lean in closer, until she opened her eyes, giving him a very quick peck on the lips.

"Im sorry, i couldn't resist..." She said looking guilty and he looked at her confused. "I had to take advantage of you..." She gave an evil smile and the boy scoffed. "So you weren't sleeping?" He exposed her and she just smiled.

"Hm, copy and paste..." He suddenly said. With a gentle touch, Lee Know cupped her face in his hands, his fingers caressing her cheeks.

Their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. Time seemed to stand still as they melted into each other's embrace. It was a kiss filled with warmth, love, and pure adoration. The world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in that magical moment.

As they pulled away, their eyes met once more. A smile spread across Haewon's face, mirroring the joy radiating from her boy.

"Get a room!" Jeongin yelled from the seat in front of them. The couple looked confused at the boy who they didn't see earlier. "We get it you're dating but you have no right to traumatise the other people. I apologise auntie for their foul behaviour." He apologised to the random old woman next to him who hit his arm.

"Let them be! Just because nobody wants to date you doesn't mean other people can't date! Let them enjoy their youth before they turn old and wrinkle to death." The woman said and both Jeongin and the couple looked shocked at the savage granny. "No, i apologise." She said to Haewon and Lee Know who just thanked her awkwardly.

As the door swung open, Changbin welcomed their friends with a smile and warm hug. The living room was transformed into a... i cant even explain. With blankets and pillows scattered across the floor you could barely walk towards the kitchen. Snacks and drinks were laid out on the kitchen counter, ready to be devoured by the hungry kids.

Chan brung out some video games and CD's for everyone to play. They all settled down, finding their spots in the cozy space. The room was filled with laughter and chatter as they shared stories, jokes, and as usual, weird antics. Finally after the hard work, all the worries and stress were left at the door.

Minho and Haewon sat side by side, giggling and exchanging playful banter. Their chemistry was undeniable, their eyes sparkling with love. Some of the other members even changed their spot because of how disgusted they were because of their lovey-dovey-ness. Hyunjin and Yeji were having an intense game of charades, screaming and arguing almost the whole time. Those cousins never have one moment without arguing.

Felix and Ryujin, or as the others call them: the dynamic duo, were having a dance battle as if they're in a variety dance show. They copied the dance battles from the show that recently aired, Street Woman Fighter. The room erupted in applause and cheers as they danced non-stop. The poor kids were red as fuck.

As the night wore on, they all decided to gather around and watch Stray Kids' debut variety show. They snuggled up under the warm blankets, their eyes glued to the screen. The room filled with gasps, laughter, and occasional screams as they watched their old selves constantly embarrass themselves.

In between the episodes, Han disappeared into the kitchen, emerging with a tray of freshly baked cookies. The room was filled by the smell of the cookies, aroma of chocolate and warmth. They all reached for the cookies, savoring each bite as if it were the most delicious thing they've ever eaten.

As the night grew deeper, fatigue began to settle in. One by one, they found their spots on the floor, curling up in their cozy blankets. The room slowly grew quiet, filled only with the soft sounds of breathing and the occasional snore.

"Is everyone asleep yet?" Haewon asked, as she cant sleep yet. "I think so." Lee Know who sat next to her whispered. She laid her head on his chest before speaking.

"I can't believe we only met two years ago. It feels like i've known you and your team for ages." He looked directly in her eyes.

"I feel that way too. It took us two years to finally figure out what we were destined to be. But even if it took ten or twenty years, i'd still love you." He said while brushing through her hair.

"Im scared of what Stay's and Midzy's would say. What if im not good enough for you?"
"Nothing that they say will change the way i feel about you Choi Haewon." He kissed her forehead.


The couple suddenly heard someone sniffing. When they looked at where the sound was coming from, they saw a black tall figure.

"Does nobody actually want to date me?" The tall figure said, coming closer to find a teary eyed Jeongin.
"How long have you been standing there?" Haewon asked concerned of the boy.

"Three hours ago." He blatantly answered.


someone find innie a girlfriend pls

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