When We Started Getting Closer

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"You say that im messing with your head" I sang, practicing my song before going on stage. "All my life i've been good, but now, i'm thinking what the hell" I hummed.

"Girls may i have your attention?" JYP asked and we all turned his way.
"Not only will i be judging you, but we also invited some special judges to judge your performance." We all looked at each other after hearing the unexpected news.

"May we know who they are?" I asked nervously. "No, they'll be hiding in the crowd." I cussed under my breath, gosh what am i gonna do? I've never preformed on stage!
"Ryujin, come on stage..."
"Somi, come on stage..."
"Chaeryeong, come on stage..." About everyone has gone and they've done such a good job. Its almost my turn.

After a few minutes i heard the worst thing EVER. "Haewon, come on stage..."

Okay okay okay, you can do it, just channel your inner Avril Lavigne and you'll be fine! I mean i sort of did, i recreated one of her iconic outfits from her music video. Anyway, now its really time.

I finally walked on stage and all i could hear were loud cheers. "Hello everyone, are you having a great time?" I asked nervously. Everyone screamed yes, i chuckled because of how loud it was.

"So, i don't know if you've realised it yet, but the song that im covering today is What The Hell by Avril Lavigne!" It seemed like they all knew the song since they cheered so loudly!!

"If you know the song, feel free to sing along!" I yelled as the intro started playing.

I tried to make it as fun as possible, it was already a fun song so that made it easier. What also made it easier was that all the nervousness and doubt went away the moment the music started playing. I played a lot with my facial expressions and made good use of the space around me by jumping around in the chorus. I looked around the crowd trying to see who came, okay look i know this is like so way too obvious, but i saw Stray motherfuckin Kids.

I somehow managed to keep my cool and i continued doing my thing till the song ended, i somehow got the loudest cheers which made me really happy. Im glad tje audience loved it, i wonder what Lee Know thought of it.

"Oh my gosh, you did so good!!" Yeji ran up to me and hugged me.
"By the way did you see Lee Know and Stray Kids in the crowd? I wanted to tell you but you were already on stage!" I nodded and gave her a big smile.

"I know, i saw them! I caught Lee Know smiling at me when he didn't realise!" She covered her mouth with her hands and we both squealed.
It was dinnertime and by coincidence, it was also Stray Kids' dinnertime! Me and Yeji were walking towards our usual table but someone called us.

"Hey Yeji and Haewon, come sit with us!" Jeongin yelled and we sat down. I sat next to Lee Know and Yeji sat next to Seungmin. I caught Hyunjin giving some signs and pointing to me and Lee Know with his head to Yeji and she shrugged. I think i know whats happening here...

"Did you like our preformances?" I asked to everyone.
"I liked yours but Yeji's sucked." Hyunjin said and Yeji threw a chopstick on him.

"Noona, you're so good at english! Maybe you should teach Lee Know some time!" Han stated and Lee Know gave him a death stare.

"Yeah! Maybe he can teach her how to dance better, no offence, but JYP is one meal closer to kicking you out." Yeji suddenly decided to say which made me choke on my own spit.

"Wow thank you for being so supportive!" I said sarcastically and she gave me a 'trust me' look. Im not sure how and why i should trust her.

"I actually really like this idea, not only will you both get better but maybe Lee Know will finally make a friend who isn't an animal!" Bangchan stated. Wait, oh my gosh, this is why Yeji told me to trust her! This is another step closer to becoming closer with him, is everyone in on it or something or is it just that obvious?

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