Chapter 1: Noble 6 and the Package (Version 1.5)

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Disclaimer: Greetings Agent........Any multiple eyewitness accounts may be exaggerated and or warped to protect the truth and any classified UNSC and ONI sources, assets and personnel if any unsanctioned/unauthorized use or actions is conducted. Any information shown is unredacted for the purpose of the eyes only for the authorized user given. You have been warned........




Opening File: 2552-01/06........Witness Source: Doctor Catherine Halsey, 03/03/2553.........The Official End of the Human/Covenant War.



The sound of a metal door opening with footsteps soon to follow. An unknown voice was heard. "Ah, Doctor Catherine Halsey......please do take a seat......We have much to discuss." The middle-aged woman looked at the silhouette of the man that was interviewing her. "Why am I here? I told ONI all that I know."

All was silent as the Doctor looked around to see multiple silhouettes sitting in elevated areas in each corner of the vast dimly lit assembly area. "We didn't bring you hear to talk about the Spartan Program.....we're interested in something more......"

She looked at the shadow in the center. They know more than what she anticipated and knew what they were after. "The Forerunner? What about him and what is this about? It saved humanity hasn't it? Why don't you ask it?" Another voice spoke up. "We've tried, but it refused to speak with us......But we understand that in the beginning of your career, you've come into contact with this so called 'Forerunner'? Correct?"

"How do you know that........Do I have a choice?.......You all seem to already know that I know already." "That is up to you.......Doctor Halsey, take a seat a we'll get started......." The Doctor took a seat that was seen at the center of the atrium and pondered as she was stared at by dozens of shadows in the room.

Doctor Halsey pondered on why they're so interested in the Forerunner. In her mind she knows the answer but doesn't understand why it involves her. Then it hit her. The Spartan Resurrection Initiative, somehow they know about the technology involved to bringing a Spartan back from the brink of death.

She took a deep breath and was willing to cooperate. For now. "I'll tell you what I remember.......back on Reach going forward." One of the shadows spoke up. "Why Reach? What does that have to do with this?" The Doctor lightly smirked. "My first encounter with the Forerunner......was a blur, as my memory is next to non-existent......Apologies. But whatever it is you're after is a lot more than what I've done in technological advancements......"

The shadows looked at each other and murmured. Then the one in the center looked at her. "Start from the beginning then.......back at Reach....Then provide some relevance to this meeting........"




Humanity is at its last legs. Its last and desperate end with no other alternatives to go on the offensive. Countless planets had been lost and unimaginable numbers of casualties had been sustained across the board with no relief or victory in sight.

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