Chapter 8: Peace and Normalcy (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........Security Footage: Noble 6 and Echo 5, 03/20/2553.........Joint UNSC/Sword of Sanghellios/Forerunner Offensive against the Covenant is Ongoing.

Extension: The Counselors of ONI




Through the view of a hidden surveillance device. At an undisclosed UNSC military hangar and it's just the two Spartans conversing with each other, alone at after hours. "I don't you think the counselors are onto something about the Forerunner? Something doesn't sit right with me......" Echo 5 stated.

"I'm not sure.........then again.......I don't really trust my handlers at ONI to begin with.......but still, outright trusting such a powerful being that that it calls itself.....'the Architect'? Sounds a little egotistical or god-like to me."

Echo 5 nods in agreement. "Agreed.........maybe it has a god complex or something. I don't know........something about this guy feels.......familiar, like I know it. Like an old friend." "Same with me...regardless, it did save humanity and hasn't shown any hidden motive or hostility......."

Echo 5 shudders the thought. "As humanity needs another galaxy spanning genocide to deal with........"




It is late at night over the smoldering remains of the once prosperous planet of Reach, now a hellscape as the Covenant continued their bombard of its surface by glassing it.

Nearby the outskirts of Sword Base under the cover of darkness, a Brute Chieftain, a band of 10 Elites armed with carbines, energy swords and black armor accompanied by a dozen Grunts were on the hunt for the 2 Spartans, against the words of General Thel.

They searched high and low for them and couldn't access the gates of Sword Base because it was locked down by an outside force. The band of alien assassins' grew impatient, especially their squad leader, who wore white armor. "Augh!!! This is futile, the demons are nowhere to be found." Said an Elite in white armor.

One of the Grunts looked at him in fear. "Eh, I wouldn't worry about it boss, they're good as dead already with the glassing." Another Grunt spoke up. "Like shooting fish in a barrel. Haha."

An Elite in red armor approached the one in white. "Sir, aren't our actions would be going against what the General had promised during the duel? This isn't honorable......this is hypocritical." The rest of Elites and Grunts heard what was being said and stopped searching.

The Elite in white turned to the questioning comrade and approached him. "You dare defy me coward?" The Elite in red stood his ground. "I'm no more a coward than you all who are searching for the demons who won the duel honorably......This is wrong."

The Brute Chieftain approached the 2 Elites overhearing what they're talking about. "What are you whelps doing? The demons aren't going to kill themselves." The 2 Elites said nothing to the Chieftain as he was leading the assassinations of the Spartan's.

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