Chapter 2: The Final Stand of Echo Team (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........ Continuing Witness Source: Doctor Catherine Halsey, 03/03/2553.........The Official End of the Human/Covenant War.



The entire room flipped through their files and accounts made by the Spartan in question and how he interacted with Cortana. "Noble 6.......what does this 'ghost' have to do with the Forerunner?" A male voice asked. "It's not just the's also Cortana......and how I was able to make such an advanced AI, compared to the rest....."

Whispers were heard, conversing on the current subject. "I'll ask again.......why does this have to do with the Forerunner?" Doctor Halsey chuckled under her breath. She was shocked that they really know nothing about alien, let alone one she supposedly came into contact with long ago.

So she told them what she knew. "The Architect as it called's influence aided my efforts to assemble the knowledge capable to create not only the Spartan Program and AI, but the Resurrection Program as well........and the rest was a blur, as far I am aware. The Forerunner took precautions to ensure that it wasn't discovered."

"But yet, it approached you upon your travels into uncharted space....." A female voice questioned. "Correct......for whatever knew something that I don't....... shall we continue?" Doctor Halsey asked, trying to avoid the topic as her memories was fragmented.

"We shall..........and we'll need a direct witness account from the Spartan 3 himself. Agent-B312, we need his experience with we believe that she is the key to unravel the Forerunners' secrets......." A male voice sternly said. For a large screen turned on with 2 Spartans in Jet-Black Armor and ONI Markings stood at attention at a secret facility.

They saluted to the camera. "Councilors." "Spartan-B312, aka Noble 6 and Echo 5.......thank you for taking some time out of your important schedule to attend this meeting remotely." A female voice greeted.

"A privilege to provide any insight to your investigations on the Forerunner councilors." Noble 6 replied stoically as he clutched his helmet to his side. Doctor Halsey knew that this meeting was a waste of time, as the Forerunner, according to her knowledge, covered it's tracks so that nothing could take advantage of its technological advancements.

"You've been briefed on the subject.......Start where we left off Spartan.......during your arrival of the final evaluation site back on Reach........after you delivered the advanced AI Cortana to Captain Jacob Keyes of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn." A male voice asked. Noble 6 took a deep breath as he recollects his memories. "Where to begin......." Echo 5 replied, looking uncomfortable about this interview.





On this darkest morning, countless lives were lost in this senseless war for survival. For the fate of humanity was down to the wire as the important tasked was fulfilled.

Noble 6 had hand-delivered an advanced AI by the name of Cortana directly from Doctor Catherine Halsey's facility to the hands of Captain Jacob Keyes of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn. It was a rough and dangerous journey, but the mission was complete, and now a new mission and path had been given to the Spartan 3.

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