Chapter 7: The Overseer (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........Security Footage: Doctor Halsey and Olivia-2 , 03/15/2553.........Over a week after the Official End of the Human/Covenant War.

Extension: The Counselors of ONI




At the assembly area, no one was there and the room was dimly lit. "How is this possible..........I saw you get deleted all those years ago......." Doctor Halsey asked the red lady now confirmed to be Olivia-2

"On the old friend. I was deleted........but my code and memories was hijacked and preserved by my handlers, to ensure my survival......." Olivia-2 stated calmly.

Doctor Halsey chuckled. "You mean being a lapdog for ONI. Olivia, you can't let them control you. Back when you were still alive........." She hesitated. Olivia-2 gave a soft look. "Catherine.......I'm still me, even after my saved me......what more can I ask for."

"That still doesn't explain how you survived.......I thought I had lost you......" Halsey continued. Olivia tilted her head and gave a comforting smile.




After the two Spartan delt with their injuries, they were approached by the mysterious advanced AI by the name of the Overseer but prefers to be called Olivia 2.

Noble 6 and Echo 5 got acquainted with the base little by little and wish to relax and take advantage of the shower room. But Olivia insisted that they take a tour of Valhalla before they had free time.

Olivia 2 already knows that they've been at the warehouse and hangar, even the Spartan Workshop and medical and research facility. So the AI decides to show them the firing range and obstacle course.

"This way monsieur and madame is the firing and obstacle course. Follow me please." They follow the mobile hologram 'Roomba' that Olivia used to guide them, side by side. As they enter the halls that facilitates the firing range, it was massive.

Oliva turns to them with her artificial arms behind her back, standing at attention. "This is the firing range, it's sheer size and scale is designed to utilize every weapon type and or caliber." She pointed out the most secure area of the range designed for experimental weaponry both human and Covenant, tank guns, and explosive testing.

Noble 6 and Echo 5 were absolutely speechless at what they were seeing, they never saw anything like it. Jaesa was really impressed at how everything was presented. " amazing. Leave it to ONI to make secret bases under the dime of the average taxpayer, but this takes the cake."

Olivia heard what she said, lightly chuckled. "All for the preservation and security of humanity against an existential threat Petty Officer LeClerc." Noble 6 pondered at what the AI had just said. "Are there any other bases of this scale anywhere in human controlled space?"

"That is unfortunately classified Spartan B-312." She responded. Jaesa rolled her eyes at Olivia 2, for answering her question. "I guess that it's a yes then. Galactic security and such." "That is correct Petty Officer, thank you for follow me to the obstacle course."

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