Chapter 10: Infiltrated (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........ Witness Source: Overseer Olivia-2, 04/02/2553.........Sizeable Remnants of Covenant Forces flee to the Farthest Corners of the Galaxy, but Offensive Rages on in the Favor of UNSC.

Extension: The Counselors of ONI




[File Corrupted................Please try again later or reboot the system.]


Override Code: Rising Phoenix




[File Corrupted...................Please contact the facility administrator or advisor to handle the issue.]

Unknown message sent to mailbox



Unknown message: Tread lightly're diving too deep. I don't want you to drown.......


Sending Reply: "Who are you........this is a secure channel. Identify yourself at once."



Unknown User No Longer Exists: Please contact the facilities administrator and advisor to proceed forward.




As the next morning dawned over the smothering lands of Reach. On their third day at the secret base, the duo wake up better than ever, due to their enhancements giving them an essential boost in energy.

They did some stretches and made their way to the workshop to put on their new biotech suits and newly crafted armor that they personally chosen. Each hung up on RIG stations, jet black and installed with stealth technology waiting to be used.

They enter and the Advanced AI Olivia was waiting for them there, like she was tracking them. "Bonjour soldats, I trust that you've slept well. You certainly look more energizes than when you've first arrived."

Jaesa looks at Olivia skeptical of her enthusiasm. "Morning Olivia, I trust that you weren't spying on us last night?" Olivia nodded no. "Not this time, I wanted to respect your privacy. Honest."

Under the supervision of the AI overseer Olivia 2, she assisted Ghost 1 and 2 to ensure that their new equipment was fitted to their specifications and scans.

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