Chapter 11: Survivors of Reach (Version 1.5)

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Current Day: December 25th, 2560

Location: [REDACTED]

Current User: Agent [REDACTED]





Secure Chatroom #23a: 10:30 pm

On Site Administrator (OSA): So let me get this straight agent.......someone or something had infiltrated our facility's firewall and had contacted then disappeared without a trace?

Re: That is correct sir. And somehow whoever this is had corrupted essential files that I'm investigating with regards to the Forerunner.


Added File/History Record: 9:30 pm – Alpha, Delta, Echo.file


On Site Administrator (OSA): Acknowledged.......we'll look into this. Whoever infiltrated our defenses clearly knew what they were doing. Keep your eyes open, and report anything further agent. OSA out.

Secure Chatroom has been closed




Resuming File: 2552-01/06



The duo enter the data center to see Olivia 2 in her mobile podium waiting for them. "Well, that was certainly a successful test run. Let alone being infiltrated under my watch. Great work Ghost 1 and 2 on a job well done."

"A test run is putting it lightly Olivia. But whatever these Elites came for they got it." Jaesa stated. Olivia 2 blinked with confusion. "Oh right, the dead Elite that you Ghost 1 shot when you first arrived."

Noble 6 looks at the AI. "Funny we never told you about that......" Olivia 2 chuckled, proving his suspicions. "Even when we first arrived, you've watched us this whole time."

The AI titled her head. "The base both underground and surface is my responsibility after all, for all I knew you two would have been bandits or Spartans gone rogue." Jaesa shrugged in response. "That actually makes sense......never thought I would agree with an AI associated with ONI."

Olivia 2 smiled at her words. "Then we have an understanding, however I tend to invade privacy for the sake of the bases safety. My apologies."

Noble 6 crossed his arms. He wished to move on from this topic. "What's our next step Overseer?"

The AI put her arms behind her back and got into her usual professional demeanor. "For starters monsieur, we must clean the mess that we made on the premises. I will run a security check of the base and the perimeter and you two will get rid of the bodies. My cleaning bots and androids will deal with the blood and bullet holes."

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