Chapter 6: Valhalla (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........Continuing Witness Source: Doctor Catherine Halsey, 03/13/2553.........Over a week after the Official End of the Human/Covenant War.

Extension: [REDACTED]




A male voice spoke up. "Alright everyone. Apologies for the long delay of this congregation, due to tight resources as the war still had ended and humanity had just started to rebuild......Regardless, this meeting will come to order and continue after a long absence due to classified background checks and red tape."

Before the council, the Spartans and Doctor Halsey, a red holographic female form appeared before them as the holodeck at the center of the assembly area. She replies politely. "That it quite alright have every right to ensure the security of the facility after all. Now that introductions and enlightenment of this meeting had been imposed and completed......shall we continue?"

Doctor Halsey watched on, refusing to speak but never broke eye contact with the red lady.

"We shall......Noble 6 and Echo 5, please continue on where we left off 10 days ago." A female voice asked. But the red lady chimed in before the Spartan's replied. "Also......Noble 6, Echo 5. A privilege to see you two once more.......time flies by when we least expect it."

"Likewise, ma'am. It's hard to believe that it's only been over year already.......Now the war is finally over." Echo 5 greeted the red lady. "And not a moment more as the offensive to wipe out the remains of the Covenant is well underway. And with our newfound ally that is this Forerunner and joint force of Spartans including Master Chief at the helm, we shall ensure total victory."

The councilors whisper too each other. "You've never mentioned to us that you know Noble 6 and Echo 5, Overseer....." A male voice asked. "You've never asked, monsieur." The red lady replied and then suddenly glanced at Doctor Halsey. "Have we met before? You seem very familiar madame....."

Doctor Halsey was unsure what to say, but according to her reactions she looked like she'd seen a ghost. "If my memory serves me correctly.......we have, only........a long time ago, during the start of my career, but that's a story for another time......... You look just like her........" As if she doesn't remember who this red lady is. But in her mind, she remembers creating an advanced ai, just like her but her memories are fragmented.

"Shall we continue? We got a schedule to keep after all." A female voice intercepted. Then Noble 6 jumped in. "Where did we leave off?"




After seeing an unusual Elite sneak up to the Spartans. Ryan and Jaesa split up to find the hidden entrance leading to a secret base underneath Sword Base to figure out what their foe was looking for.

Noble 6 went North and Echo 5 went South to start their search. They searched every corner, every inch of the known base that wasn't destroyed by the Covenant. Nothing turns up, until Jaesa managed to find something.

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