Chapter 4: Against All Odds (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........Continuing Witness Source: Doctor Catherine Halsey, 03/03/2553.........The Official End of the Human/Covenant War.

Extension: Noble 6/Spartan-B312 and Echo 5




Murmuring and whispers filled the dimly lit assembly area. As the councilors were discussing, whatever it was that they are interested and after. As it involved a Forerunner in question.

A female voice was heard entering the room that Noble 6 was present in on his end of the gigantic screen. She wore high ranking military casuals, compared to Noble 6 still being in his armor. "Sorry I'm late, I was in the middle of a debriefing with High Command. We're at the final stages of the offensive as we speak. The Covenant is at its last legs."

"No, no. You're fine didn't miss much. And that's actually historic news, and soon this nightmare will be over....." Noble 6 replied as the female Spartan got settled.

"Momentous news indeed.......And with the help of our newfound ally. Humanity will become the dominant species in the galaxy." A female voice addressed to Jaesa. She took her seat next to her partner, looking perplexed. "Come again? What's this meeting with ONI about?"

Doctor Halsey filled in the blanks. "ONI here, wishes to unlock the mysteries that make the Forerunners so powerful and acquire such advancements for humanity and have gathered anyone who has closely came into contact with the Architect."

Jaesa gave a worrying smirk. "The Forerunner who's still alive won't like to hear that. I thought it was humanities greatest ally, it is even leading the charge against what remains of the Covenant."

A male voice spoke up. "It is our ally, Petty Officer LeClerc. We just want to make sure that this being of immense power and technological advance will not turn on humanity. So we're trying to obtain any edge and insurance to prevent that possibility."

A female voice added. "Humanity had suffered enough, and don't want any more surprises......" Then the whole room went silent, and rightfully so. As the Forerunner in question has yet to reveal its intentions with humanity.

Jaesa decided to break the tension. "So......were did you left off Noble?" Her partner gave a 'well.....' expression as he placed his right on her left shoulder to comfort her. "You're not going to like this......remember Reach?" Her eyes widen slightly as he mentioned the planet, then hung her head in sorrow. "Who can forget......."




As the storm rages on at the remains of the final evacuation site, things couldn't be worse for Noble 6. He wanted to die on his terms, through the means of a final stand. But seeing his best friend and being reunited with him under dire straits only made things harder for him.

He had no choice but to bear witness to Echo 5 sob and beg for her life, he had to think of something. Noble 6 has no choice but to duel with the Field Marshal or else she'll be summarily executed in front of his eyes with him dying in the process.

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