Chapter 5: Returning to Sword Base (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........Continuing Witness Source: Doctor Catherine Halsey, 03/03/2553.........The Official End of the Human/Covenant War.

Extension: Noble 6/Spartan-B312, Echo 5 and [REDACTED]




The room was silent as the female Spartan hung her head in fear, as she remembered every moment of what happened at Reach with Noble 6 comforting her.

Doctor Halsey looked upon the counselors in disgust. "Satisfied? Not only this meeting has deviated from the topic at hand, you all singlehandedly opened up old wounds. And tell me, what does this have to do with the Forerunner?"

Suddenly an unknown female voice was heard upon intercom of the assembly area. "I can answer that one......Doctor Halsey." And whispered were heard, discussing on what's going on and who's the unknown voice. The 2 Spartans and Doctor Halsey subtly looked shocked. As if she heard this voice before, but a very long time ago but remained composed.

"Who are we speaking with? And how did infiltrate this frequency?" A male voice spoke up.

"All in due time counselor.........please proceed with the meeting madame's and monsieur's. I'll fill in the gaps." The unknown voice stated, as if it appeared to already know what is going on at this meeting.




After nearly dying, they searched the evac site for a means of transportation and red beams from the sky hit the ground and the sound of impacts and fire can be seen in the surrounding area across the valley.

Under the shade of the huge thunderstorm and under the purple and red glow of the death beams from the sky that the Covenant were constantly scorching the surface of Reach with and Noble 6 and Echo 5 had to find somewhere safe to hide in case their enemies decide to come back and finish them off.

They trekked through the muddy ground and surveyed the area for anything to use for transport, anything that wasn't destroyed in the merciless onslaught. Fortunately for the 2 Spartans, luck was on their side as a damaged, but functional UNSC Warthog was found.

Noble 6 and Echo 5 inspect it to see what was damaged. Jaesa look at the damage and Noble 6 tries to turn on the engine. "Hmmm....... the windshield appeared to be smashed by a Brute and the rocket turret is pulverized, and one of the tires is flat......." Jaesa said to Noble 6 aka 'Ryan'.

Noble 6 managed to turn on the Warthog after 3 tries. Which relieved the two Spartans. "Well, at least the headlights work, and the body work isn't too severe. But this will do." Jaesa joked to ease the tension.

She took off her damaged helmet as her visor was hard to see out of. As the visor was heavily cracked. Jaesa then looks at her partner, perplexed at what to do next. "There's one final detail......."

Noble 6 looks at her confused. "And what is that?" She smiled at him trying to be funny. "Who's going to drive this trainwreck? I can drive vehicles just fine, but this poor Warthog is at Death's door."

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