Chapter 3: Lone Wolf (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........Continuing Witness Source: Doctor Catherine Halsey, 03/03/2553.........The Official End of the Human/Covenant War.

Extension: Noble 6/Spartan-B312




"Are you saying that Cortana aided you in your darkest hour? And even modified your Spartan 3 augmentations?" A female voice questioned, as murmurs filled the room.

Doctor Halsey remained silent, overhearing her achievements with Cortana. "Affirmative......" Noble 6 replied.

He continued. "With all due respect counselors.........I don't want to talk about it.........too many bad memories.....Given the horrors that I've seen..........." He replied trying to remain stoic despite the dark memories. Then the interviewing continued. "Understood..........Then, how did Cortana modify your equipment?" A male voice asked. He shrugged his shoulders, unsure of himself.

"Care to fill us in Doctor Halsey?" Another male voice chimed in. "You all are very well aware of Cortana and her capabilities......What's the point of this meeting if you all know all the answers." She replied stoically as she sat in her seat.

They looked at each other, knowing that she was correct in this. "Our focus is the Forerunner ally. Nothing more." A female voice spoke up. "Then why pry into its secrets like it's going to betray us.......I thought that since the discovery of Installation 04, the Forerunner in question had saved humanity. The Architect had addressed itself that it has nothing to hide and is on our side."

The room went silent. "Please continue........Spartan-B312. Where we left off." A male voice asked to break the tension.




Silence fell upon the battlefield, fire and destruction fell across in every direction. The time has come for the jet-black Spartan to meet his maker. Tension was high, enemy and friendly casualties were everywhere, and the sounds of rolling thunder can be heard across the valley as the storm slowly reemerged. Noble Six was truly and definitely on his own after he had completed his mission by delivering the AI that is Cortana to the Pillar of Autumn and using a nearby MAC Cannon to clear their path, so the ship could escape.

Darkened clouds start to form, and rain fell as soon as the Covenant in the area made a tactical retreat from the rampaging Spartan. Ultimately at this point, he was going to sacrifice himself and buy the UNSC or any poor human survivor that was still here on Reach enough time to regroup and revitalize.

What better way to get attention from the enemy is to stand out of the open and slaughter any Covenant straggler or scavenger who didn't flee that he saw.

Then, Noble 6 continued heading East, armed to the teeth ready for his last stand and to possibly go out with a bang.

As the storm started to pick up, he traveled across the battlefield and evacuation site where more bodies of the UNSC, ODST and Covenant were all over the area. In his presence Noble 6 spotted some Grunts and Jackals who were foolish enough to still be there and did not show any mercy for any Covenant he saw.

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