Chapter 9: The Spartan Workshop (Version 1.5)

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Resuming File: 2552-01/06........ Witness Source: Overseer Olivia-2, 04/01/2553.........Sizeable Remnants of Covenant Forces flee to the Farthest Corners of the Galaxy, but Offensive Rages on in the Favor of UNSC.

Extension: The Counselors of ONI, and Doctor Catherine Halsey.




The sound of multiple people congregate in the assembly area, as whispers on the topic of the new meeting was underway. Doctor Halsey this time chose a better seat since the last meeting as a metal chair wasn't comfortable. As the meeting was about to start, the same red holographic lady appeared before the council.

A male voice started the conversation. "Please state your name for the record......" 

The red lady responded "Overseer Olivia-2. Property of the old guard of the Office of Naval Intelligence, circa 2511."

"Odd.......our records never mention this." A female voice retorted as multiple people looked confused at they looked through their records.

"Officially, I don't exist as I was a top priority by this organization at the time, since before the Covenant invaded Harvest." Olivia replied as politely as she could, as she felt the pressure of 100 eyes looking upon her.

The counselors whispered to each other about the AI. "How is this possible, if you're property of ONI, we've would have known of it long ago.... And what's this matter of 'sanctuaries'? And how they're all across known human territory." Another female voice questioned.

Olivia-2 then gave a polite bow in response. "I'm sorry counselor......that is all classified as per orders of the old guard of ONI, codename: Rising Phoenix.......and for simpler explanations. These sanctuaries are a response towards the Covenant since before the First Invasion of Harvest, out of fear."

"Are these bases associated with the Orion Program? Due to the age of the facilities?" Another male voice asked the red lady.

"Yes and no, by design we adapt and grow stronger to the current times even our capabilities and technology. Doctor Halsey designed me to be the best humanity had to offer." She responded.

"So your saying there are more of you and you're more advanced than Cortana?" A female voice questioned. Halsey spoke up before Olivia-2 could answer. "That is classified counselor, that is an edge I don't want to expose. I thought we were here to discuss the about the Forerunner. Not my past achievements."

"Agreed.......however over the years since my creation, I do have information regarding with the one called the Architect, if you wish to listen......" Olivia-2 responded without giving away how she managed to obtain such information.

"Proceed......." A female voice responded stoically.




As they finished their military grade meals and cleaned up, the duo made their way in the direction of where the Spartan Workshop was.

The Spartans heard Olivia 2's voice over the intercom. "Noble 6 and Echo 5, I hope the facilities are to your liking. Once you're ready, head over to the workshop so we can undergo the process for your personal enhancements and augmentations."

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