Two gone three to go

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Ira glared at Bel. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!." Bel looked pissed. "MY FAULT HOW IN THE WORLD IS THIS MY FAULT?!." Ira glared. "IF YOU HADN'T BEEN SO HUNG UP ON ARGUING WITH MACKENZIE, NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING!!." Maya looked back and forth, panic flashing across her face 

"uh, guys, please stop arguing. This isn't going to help us find Rachel." But not even that was enough to stop the two Mercinares from fighting. Marmo groaned as she started fighting with them, which soon led to yelling." Maya groaned in frustration. "Fine, I'll go find Rachel on my own without any help, so whatever, I don't care anymore." Maya stormed off back in the opposite direction to search for her missing friend.

Maya walked around, "RACHEL, WHERE ARE YOU? THIS ISN'T FUNNY ANYMORE." but all Maya got in response was silence. Maya sighed with worry. "Oh, Rachel, where did you go." The same creature that had snatched up Rachel silently made his way up to Maya and got ready to pounce. 

Maya felt her brows furrow with suspicion as she spun around. She felt her eyes go wide as she let out a scream loud enough for the Mercinares to hear, "AHHHHHHHHHHH." The creature growled as it slammed down on top of her. 

Back with the Mercinares, Regina groaned in annoyance. They just won't shut up. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Regina's head shot up. That sounded like Maya?!. Regina looked at Ira Marmo and Bel and saw they had stopped arguing. A look of surprise was on their faces as they ran off with Clara close behind them. Once they got to the spot, Regina felt her stomach drop at the sight of blood droplets." 

and once she looked up, she noticed claw marks in the form of letters that read, "Two are gone, three to go unless you leave and never return; the rest will remain safe." Regina glared. "If this thing thinks he can take my friend away from me, they have another thing coming." She turned to look at the Mercinares, who were glaring Clara, Mackenzie and Natalie were also glaring.

Regina sighed. "You're ready to go and find them." Ira looked enraged. "IF YOU THINK I'M LEAVING MY DIAMOND IN THE HANDS OF THAT THING, YOU HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING!!." Regina smirked, "Then let's go find them, shall we." Then, the remaining Glitter Force and the Mercinares wander into the woods, searching for the two missing Glitter Force worriers.

" Then, the remaining Glitter Force and the Mercinares wander into the woods, searching for the two missing Glitter Force worriers

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              PS Ira's reaction to him thinking that he was going to leave Rachel 

(Chapter 2) (Two gone, three to go)

The Journey part 2 too A interesting love storyWhere stories live. Discover now