🎂The Wedding🎂

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                                                                         A couple weeks later

Marmo was smiling in excitement "Oh man I can not wait this is gonna be the best day ever." Bel laughed "Marmo relax the wedding isn't even for a couple more hours...what about you Lemonn are you excited...uhh Lemonn." Marmo laughed "I think she is just really excited for this day she waited for so long" Lemonn spun around "ARE YOU KIDDING THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER I GET TO BE AT THE RIRA WEDDING!!!." 

Marmo chuckled "Okay girl we get it were all excited except Ira because I'm pretty sure he's panicking." Bel smiled fondly "he will do just fine." Lemonn smiled "Speaking of which I should probably go check up on Rachel/the amazing bride." And with amazing teleporting given by @DokiDokiShipper07 also known as me the creator of this story teleport's to Rachel's place.

When Lemonn got there she looked upon a sight of absolute chaos "Oh my what is going on." Maya looked over her shoulder "Oh hey Lemonn...nothing just some pre wedding gidders." Lemonn smiled softly "Oh you will do fine Ira is gonna absolutely love you Rachel." Rachel smiled in amusement "thanks and I know how exciting this is for you so I'm really glad your hear."

Lemonn smiled in excitement "OH ME TOO DEFINITELY RIGHT THERE WITH YOU SISTER" Maya laughed fondly "shouldn't we be heading to where the wedding is gonna be held tho." Lemonn gasped "Oh absolutely LET'S GO"  Rachel groaned with worry "Yay." Clara smiled happily as she pushed Rachel out the door.

Once they get to the wedding area Rachel's mother ran up to her smiling brightly "Oh I am so happy for you sweetheart." Rachel's Father smiled softly "I'm just really glad that he won't be someone to break your heart so he has my blessing as well as your mother's." Rachel smiled softly before turning over and noticing Natalie going near the wedding cake. "Natalie no don't eat that you have to wait for the wedding." 

Lemonn smiled in amusement before snapping her finger and cake appearing in her hand. Natalie smiled happily "Thank you so much Lemonn." Lemonn glared in annoyance "Yeah whatever... *Whispers under her breath You will always be my least favorite for trying to stop Rira." Natalie looked over at Lemonn with confusion "what was that?." 

Lemonn smiled in annoyance "Nothing." Rachel felt her stomach turn as Maya pushed Rachel into the room because the wedding was gonna start in about ten minutes. Rachel groaned "I can not do this I just cant." Maya smiled "You got this." Lemonn smiled in excitement "I'm gonna go take my seat at the very front." Rachel laughed "Of course go ahead." And then Lemonn teleported within seconds. 

Once the ten minutes were up Rachel smiled with slight fear "Is this actually happening." Maya smiled fondly "Of course It Is Rachel this isn't a dream this time." Rachel sighed as Rachel's father went to one side and her mother went on the other. Maya quickly found her seat next to Clara excitement on her features "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!" Ira faced palmed before looking up and feeling his breath catch in his throat as he stared at his Diamond in aw she was beautiful.

 Maya quickly found her seat next to Clara excitement on her features "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!" Ira faced palmed before looking up and feeling his breath catch in his throat as he stared at his Diamond in aw she was beautiful

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     What Rachel is wearing PS. Ira is just wearing his normal outfit just more formal

Once Rachel got on the other side of the alter Rachel smiled softly but Ira could tell she was scared so Ira did the one thing he could think of. Ira silently placed his hands in hers before speaking softly "Your doing perfect." Rachel looked into Ira's eyes and smiled fondly "Your doing great." Ira chuckled fondly "thanks." 

Once the preacher ended with his part cause I'm lazy 😅. Ira sighed as he started with his vows "Rachel/My Beautiful Diamond you are by far the most amazing girl that I have ever met your incredibly strong stunning and always caring about other's needs before your own and I can't live in a world without you in it having you by my side is what makes me feel complete. Before I met you I never realized how empty my life had been where all I did was cause chaos and Hurt others now I know that you and I were destined to meet each other" 

Rachel felt her eyes well up with tears as she smiled fondly Ira you are by far the most amazing boy I had ever gotten to know we may have not liked each other in the beginning but things can change which had lead to are love and even I knew that we could be be together till the end Ira and I love you so much. Ira chuckled fondly "that was perfect." Rachel smiled happily. 

The preacher soon started with the I do's again because I'm lazy. Ira do you take Rachel to be your wife till death do you part." Ira smiled gently "I do." And Rachel do you take Ira to be your husband till death do you part. Rachel stared with tears "I do." The preacher smiled fondly "Then I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." Ira pulled Rachel close to him before kissing her deeply Rachel wrapped her arm's around his neck. Once the two pull apart they heard screaming.

Rachel and Ira both turn around and smile in amusement as they look at Lemonn who was screaming with excitement "RIRAAAAAAA!!!!!" Rachel turned toward Natalie and saw her eating the cake in seconds. Rachel sighed before turning over to Ira "Well we did try to stop her." 

Ira laughed "But you know Natalie she loves cake so much that nothing can stop her not even weddings." Lemonn glared at Natalie before chasing angrily after her with anger in her eyes "HOW DARE YOU EAT THE CAKE!!."

 Rachel smirked "there is one way we can stop her" Ira looked at Rachel in horror "You don't mean." Rachel grinned as she lifted up the bouquey before yelling "WHO IS GONNA CATCH THE BOUQUEY" Regina ran forward before catching it. Rachel and Ira both look at each other with a grin.

Regina turned around and gasped as Maya held out a ring "Will you marry me." Regina screamed happily "YESSS." Regina jumped into Maya with joy. Rachel and Ira both look at each other with amusement "Crazy but the best wedding ever and it's all thanks to Lemonn...THANK YOU LEMONN." Lemonn grinned "I'm just doing my job to bring...ships...together.."

Thanks Lemon for letting me add you into this chapter

(Chapter 20) (🎂The Wedding🎂)

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