The heartbreak/starting over

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Once Rachel got to the other side she noticed she was back in the right timeline as her attention turned toward Ira. "Uh Ira...are you okay." but all Rachel gained was silence from him. "Are you seriously mad about me kissing your past selves you know you can never be replaced." Ira looked darkly at her "I think it's time we don't see each other anymore." Rachel felt as if her heart had been shattered into a million pieces. "But I don't understand...why I just told you can never be replaced." Ira glared darkly at her before snapping "AND I SAID IT'S OVER!!." Rachel sighed "Fine as if I care I hope to never see you again." Ira glared darkly "And I hope I never see your lying face ever again you could die for all I care."

Rachel felt as if her heart had been destroyed now at Ira's hurtful words. "But Ira I..." Ira's eyes were full of hatred "I never want to see you again did I not make that clear to you." Rachel flinched before sighing "Fine I'll leave for good." Rachel looked toward the portal that lead to the past wondering what would happen if she just stayed there. She looked over and noticed Ira was gone. "as if he would care if I was gone he wanted me dead so why would it matter." Rachel looked back over to the portal before jumping threw.

"Rachel it's time to get up" Rachel groaned as she got up to go meet up with Maya so they could go on the field trip to clover tower. Once she got to the school she spotted Maya "MAYA HEY MAYA." Maya spun around "Rachel." Maya ran forward and started hugging her with excitement on her features are you ready to go see clover tower." Rachel laughed "Of course I am who wouldn't be." Once they got to clover tower Rachel looked around intel she heard a voice. Rachel looked confused "What's going on?." Maya rushed over "Hey are you alright "THANKS BUDDY THIS WILL MAKE A EXCELLENT DISTAIN!!."

Rachel walked up beside Maya "This is one crazy day isn't it." Maya nodded "Definitely." Rachel looked darkly at Ira "Who are you and why exactly are you doing this." Ira looked at Rachel his eyes darkened "My names Ira and I'm doing this because I can." Rachel looked really confused "And why do you look so familiar." Ira shrugged "I could be asking you the same exact thing you seem really familiar and I wan't answers." Rachel sighed if I knew I would tell you but I don't know?."

Ira ran a hand threw his teal blue hair with frustration. "All I know is that you are quite the beauty." Rachel blushed softly as Ira placed his hand against her cheek with a look of wonder. Rachel sighed dreamily "Hmm." Maya stared in surprise but grinned "see ya Rachel I'm gonna head up to look at the wonderful view." Rachel and Ira were both still looking at each other "okay have fun Maya." 

Neither Ira nor Rachel had noticed there hands intertwining both couldn't look away from each other "Did I mention that you are just absolutely stunning." Rachel smiled sweetly "And did I mention that you are incredibly hot." Ira smirked "No I think you forgot to mention that." Rachel sighed dreamily "Well you are." Marmo was grinning at the sight "Oh young love it just warms my heart."  Ira rolled his eyes with annoyance "You wanna get out of here." Rachel smiled "Sure...It sounds better then being here." 

Ira grinned at her as he held out his hand to her. Rachel reached out and took a hold of it as he teleported to a place of pure beauty. "Rachel stared in aw "it's Beautiful." Ira looked at her as Rachel turned to look at him. "This place It's Beautiful." Ira smiled gently "it is isn't it but I can say you are far more beautiful." Rachel smiled dreamily as she moved closer as well as Ira moving closer to her they were inches away from each other one last move and they would be kissing and not wanting to think about anything else.

Rachel closed the gap between them Ira was shocked for a second before relaxing against the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. Rachel let her hands fall around his neck growing incredibly relaxed. As Ira pinned her up against the tree. Once the two pulled away after a minute of nonstop kissing the two pull apart. Ira murmured into her ear "Your mine do you understand." Rachel nodded her head weakly. "I understand Ira." Ira smirked "good"

Rachel looked into his golden olive eyes as her hand gently fall into his hair kissing him once more Ira pulled Rachel closer to him kissing back. As the world around her only revolved around Ira she didn't even think about what happened in the other world where hearts were broken and multiple kisses were shared in different timelines because all she knew was that she belonged here in Ira's arms safe and protected where no one could hurt her ever again.

(chapter 11) (The heartbreak/Starting over)

The Journey part 2 too A interesting love storyWhere stories live. Discover now