Three gone two to go

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Natalie was busy nibbling at a piece of cake she had found to help calm her nerves. Clara looked over at Mackenzie and could tell she was startled by what had happened. Two of her best friends were gone, and nobody knew where they were. Clara sighed as she stepped back to be next to Mackenzie. "Hey, you doing okay?." 

Mackenzie looked over at Clara with a sad expression. "I feel like this is all my fault, Clara. If Bel and I had not been fighting, none of this would be happening." Ira looked over his shoulder with a soft sigh. "Mackenzie, what happened was an accident me yelling at you did not help, so don't go blaming yourself for what happened, okay?." Mackenzie looked over at Ira. "Rachel did change him. The first thing he had thought about when Rachel went missing was whether she was okay." 

Mackenzie smiled sadly. "Thanks, Ira, we will find okay." Ira sighed. "I sure hope you're right. I don't want her hurt more than she probably already is." Mackenzie winced at that...Ira, I'm so sorry." Ira turned around, smiling softly. "I told you I don't want to hear you couldn't have known this was gonna happen, so please, no apologizing." Mackenzie nodded silently before looking down and spotting some BIG footprints."

Mackenzie gulped. "Um, guys, what do you think made these." The Mercinares, Clara, and Natalie all walk over, looking at the footprints. "Now, those are some big footprints I don't remember seeing."  Ira crossed his arms. "We have gotten this far without trouble, and I DO NOT PLAN TO LEAVE MY DIAMOND WITH THAT CREATURE IF THAT IS WHAT YOUR THINKING YOUR GOING BACK ON YOUR OWN!!."

Regina crossed her arms, and I don't plan on leaving Maya, so let's hurry up and get a move on already." As the trio continued, no one noticed the missing glitter girl known as Glitter Clover. Clara was walking around the tree's with confusion "why am I here again?." The creature who had snatched up Maya and Rachel moved closer and closer intel it pounced on top of her, slamming her into the ground and knocking her out. The creature soon dragged her into the forest to an unknown location.

Back with the trio, Mackenzie turned around along with Natalie, noticing Clara wasn't behind them. "Um, that is not good, is it." Mackenzie glared. "No kidding, now we are the only glitter warriors remaining." Ira Marmo Bel and Regina spin around. "WHAT!!." Ira pulled on his hair in frustration. "You have got to be kidding me." Bel groaned. "Okay, so since we don't want either of you to go missing, you're gonna have to be near us, you understand." Natalie sighed. "he's right. We must stick together if we don't want to go missing." 

Mackenzie grumbled, "Fine, but he better not fight with me again." Bel sighed. "You were the one who started it." Ira felt his eye twitching. "IF YOU TWO DON'T SHUT UP, I WILL SHUT YOU UP NOW. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!." Bel and Mackenzie both quickly nod. Ira sighed. "Let's just hurry this up." Ira whispered softly to himself, "I am going to get you back my diamond if it's the last thing I do."

(Chapter 3) (Three gone, two to go)

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