The Monster

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Rachel sighed as she looked around in confusion "Where the heck am I." Rachel continued to look around but all she could see was darkness. Maya was next to her "Where are we Rachel." Rachel turned to look at Maya "If I knew you'd think I would tell you?." Clara chuckled "Rachel  does have a point." Mackenzie made her way over as she looked around "You think this is where that thing lives." Rachel looked around in discomfort "You don't think It's gonna eat us do you."

Maya gulped "Please don't make me think that I don't wanna die not before I confess to Regina." Rachel Mackenzie and Clara all look at Maya in surprise "I did not see that coming..." A low dark rumbling growl could be heard from the darkness. Rachel groaned "I have some regrets." Maya laughed in concern "This is not good." The creature stepped out and what they saw terrified them." 

                      Please excuse the name I just couldn't think of one 😓

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                      Please excuse the name I just couldn't think of one 😓

Rachel was shocked "This is the thing that has been trying to kill us this whole time?!." Maya gulped "It's terrifying...." Rachel winced "You got that right what even is it...I can't tell." Maya shrugged "No idea." The demon wolf dog had glowing red soulless eyes and It seemed to have fire coming from it's mouth. The demon Wolf Dog darkly spoke "I am known as screeches I can rip you to shreds within seconds." Maya laughed in fear "Please don't." Screeches growled "Like I said I can kill you when I feel like it but you were incredible able to outsmart me and more." 

Rachel looked over to the girls "We need to run like right now." Maya nodded her head rapidly "Let's go." And then the girls start running. Screeches growled in rage as he chased after them. Rachel yelped in surprise as overwhelming pain hit her leg she looked down to notice the fire was right next to her leg and screeches did not look happy so she turned around bolted "RUN RUN RUN RUN!!." Once they got far enough they heard it screech in pain. 

The Glitter Force skid to a halt and turned around and gasped as they saw the creature fall to the ground revealing none other then the Mercinares

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The Glitter Force skid to a halt and turned around and gasped as they saw the creature fall to the ground revealing none other then the Mercinares. Ira smirked "You know I would have liked if you waited to get kidnapped so we could have helped out more." 

Regina had her arms on her hips with a grin "Yeah but instead we just had to remove it instead." Marmo laughed "Can we please just think of the fact that we got rid of the thing that has been following you since we started this journey." Bel nodded his head in agreement "And let's start planning the wedding cause am losing my patience." 

Ira laughed as the Mercinares teleported back to the hideout and sending the girls home. Ira sighed as he laid down on his bed thinking "" Bel was passed out on one of the couches as well as Regina and Marmo all exhausted from today. Ira silently pushed himself up and headed to his bed. Once on the bed he laid down and started thinking of his angle and soon fell asleep.

(Chapter 16) (The Monster)

The Journey part 2 too A interesting love storyWhere stories live. Discover now