The Answers you desire

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Ira sat up from bed letting out a long tired yawn "Woah yesterday was felt amazing." Ira looked over at the sleeping angle in front of him "How did I ever end up getting so lucky." Rachel was sleeping soundly as Ira made sure to be quiet once he pushed himself up he walked out before skidding to a halt as he stared at Gura and Riva Marmo and Bel staring at them in shock. Ira blinked finnaly snapping out of It "HOW ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE?!."

Gura smiled darkly "We can't be removed that easily...we just want to talk about the dream you all myseryously all had." Ira stared in shock "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE DREAM?!." Riva smirked "Oh we just hear things." Ira stared in distrust "I don't trust either of you after what you did." Gura laughed "Oh your not still mad about that are you." Ira stared in rage "OF COURSE I AM..I COULD HAVE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!! Gura huffed "Oh your so dramatic Ira." Ira bit down on his lower lip in rage "GO AWAY!!." Gura and Riva laugh "Whatever you say Ira." And then both Gura and Riva vanish without a trace.

Rachel Maya Clara and Mackenzie all walk out of the Mercinares room's with confusion "What was all that comotion out here?." Bel laughed in discomfort "Oh nothing just dropped somthing." Ira and Marmo quickly nod. Rachel looked over at Ira feeling hurt "He's lying to me and were not supposed to hide things from each other anymore...well techancly we arn't married yet...but still why is he lying." 

Bel huffed "Im gonna go hang out at our other secret hideout." Ira bolted up "I'll join you." Marmo quickly followed the two toward the other hideout. Rachel looked over at them "There hiding something from us...but what?."

Rachel sighed as she was about to go back in the room before noticing something on the counter she walked over to it and noticed writing on it "If you seak answers to the dream read me and you seek the answer you have been searching for." Rachel stared at it in surprise "Huh was not expecting this." Maya walked up beside Rachel "what is it?." Rachel turned toward Maya and handed the letter over to her. Maya read it through "Woah that was unexpected." Rachel nodded "I know right."

Rachel felt her breath catch in her throat as she read more and more intel she reached the end. Rachel looked over the girls still gripping the letter in her hand. Maya tilted her head with concern "What is it Rachel." Rach sighed "The whole reason we were given the same dream was so that we could have the wish that we wanted which was to have a chance with the Mercinares." 

Maya gasped "and when you passed out during the final battle Ira had gotten worried about you and then that led to being boyfriend and girlfriends to getting engaged so this dream helped us all." Rachel laughed "I guess so...but when are we gonna tell the Mercinares or do you think they already know."

 Maya shrugged "I'm gonna guess that they already know." Rachel laughed "True...but shouldn't be getting going." Maya stared in confusion "Why and where?." Rachel sighed "I don't know I just feel like the Mercinares should be told." Ira walked in with the others "Tell us what?." Rachel walked up to Ira before letting them read it. Ira Marmo and Bel all stared in surprise "Well I guess now we know how we all ended up with the same dream now all we need to do is figure out what that creature was and then we can have our happy ending."

Rachel smiled gently "And once we do figure this out we can have our wedding." Ira chuckled as he pulled her into his arms "Yep and I couldn't be any happier to be holding you in my arms." Rachel smiled as she rested her head against his chest sighing softly." Ira gently rubbed her back "We will figure this out...I promise."

(Chapter 15) (The Dream Answers)

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