I think their gonna strike out

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Rachel sat up before looking around "You have gotta be kidding me again?!." Maya sighed "That is what it looks like Rachel." Rachel turned and faced Maya "Your here to?!." Maya sighed "yes I'm afraid I am." Mackenzie and Clara huff "are we invisible to you." Maya and Rachel turn around to notice that it isn't just them it was also Mackenzie Clara Bel Marmo Regina and Ira." Rachel stared in surprise "Well this was unexpected." Ira laughed "You got that right cause I'm pretty sure my past self thinks he's losing it XD."

Past Ira looked incredibly confused at the sight of another him "Okay what Is happening." the past glitter force stared in surprise "Okay what am I seeing." Glitter clover sighed "I Think there from the future." Rachel groaned in pure relief "Finally someone who can actually figure it out." The past glitter force and Ira shout in annoyance "HEY!!." Rachel snicked "What I'm just saying the truth?." Past Ira huffed "Rude much what happened to your attitude." 

The two distains the soccer ball and the Baseball looked really confused "what is happening." Ira glared at the two that said shut up. The two distains fall silent as past Ira speaks up "Whatever I can still fight them right?." Ira sighed in annoyance "and why do you think I would stop you...It's you decision not mine." Past Ira stared in wonder before looking over at his distains  before nodding.

Past glitter Heart was struggling to get the distains to stop fighting with each other "Hey your gonna hit somebody...WHOA!!." Past Ira laughed in Joy "THAT'S IT BATTER UP CHAOS...the goal is more havoc MAKE LOT'S OF DARK ENERGY!!!" The distain soccer ball yelled "CORNER KICK!!! Rory gasped "It's headed for Dina!?." Past Glitter Diamond gasped in panic "DINA?!." Past glitter Heart was growing incredibly stressed "WATCH OUT!!." Once the smoke cleared it revealed Past Glitter Clover "Glad I made it in time." As well as Glitter Spade jumping down "I sensed there dark heart beats and came as soon as I could." 

Rachel groaned with Boredom "Here comes your past self Ira." Ira looked amused "And what's so bad about that?." Maya laughed in amusement "Oh stop being so dramatic Rachel will be back home before you know it." Past Ira put his hands up in the air "heh I think there gonna strike out." The distain soccer ball laughed "Just try and block this remember you can't use your hands... THAT'S A PENALTY!!." The distain baseball laughed "Here comes a curve ball." The distain soccer ball laughed "here it comes..." Past glitter spade tried to pick a ball before it was too late "But which one is it." Past Glitter Diamond glared in annoyance "these guys sure play dirty." 

Rachel looked over at Ira with a smirk "Just like that dirty mind of yours." Ira chocked as he spun around to face Rachel "I swear to god when we get back you are so dead." Rachel snicked "OHHHH I'M SO SCARED~~."  Ira glared in annoyance before pulling her into his arms "Don't forget...your mine my Beautiful Diamond and don't let anyone else touch you...Do...I...make...myself... CLEAR!!." Rachel gulped "Of course I Understand" as she snuggled into his chest more. Ira huffed resting his head against hers "Mine." Rachel smiled fondly "yeah I know I'm yours and yours alone."

Past Ira laughed as he grinned "NOW FOR THE WIN...GO DISTAINS GO!!." Past glitter Heart cried in panic. Right when they see the balls coming toward them they go to just run but go on full speed. "Wait Dina did you you...huh....WATCH OUT?!." Glitter Spaid stared in surprise "Oh wow." Past Glitter Clover smiled "it's Dina she made us fast." Past glitter Heart felt slightly uncomfortable "but maby to fast...WHERE ARE THE BREAKS!!." Past Ira sighed "Why can't I just win." 

Past Glitter Diamond cried in panic "OKAY STOP STOP STOPPPPP!!." Past Ira's head shot up "Oh this is gonna be a issue as they slam into each other. Glitter Diamond groaned in pain "Oops are you okay." Past Ira looked at her in aw "Uh yeah I'm doing fine...were you always this beautiful...cause now that I'm looking at you this close I noticed that you really do look like a diamond." Glitter Diamond blushed softly "I'm not  sure if I'm beautiful." Ira trailed his hand against her cheek "Your beautiful...." Past Glitter Diamond smiled dreamily before they both lean in closing the gap kissing each other deeply."

Rachel's jaw dropped "NOW THIS IS NOT HOW I REMEMBER IT HAPPENING?!." Ira's face was burning "Oh my..." Rachel turned around covering her face flustered "Oh gosh this is one confusing day." Ira nodded "definitely."  Rachel turned around and gasped "THERE STILL NOT DONE KISSING IT'S MORE LIKE THERE MAKING OUT NOW WHAT IS HAPPENING?!." Ira chocked "I feel like we should go now." Rachel nodded in silence "Please...." everyone turned around and bolted through the portal not looking back.

Past Glitter Diamond panted "Ira~~ you need you need to go back to the HIDEOUT...IRA?!." Ira looked at her with a smirk as he purred into her ear "Your mine now you understand my Diamond." Past Glitter Diamond panted "I understand." Past Ira smirked "good girl." Ira pulled himself up and teleported. The past glitter force all leave in the separate ways heading home past Rachel not able to get what happened out of her head but wondering if it could possibly happen again."

Back in the present Rachel was flustered out of her mind "WHAT HAPPENED....THAT IS NOT HOW I REMEMBER IT HAPPENING." Ira looked amused "Rachel relax obviously it happened because of you actually getting the chance to stop you land in to past Ira so technically it's our past selves fault...now can we please just go to bed it's been a long day." Rachel sighed in frustration "Fine but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to after what I just saw." Ira laughed "Okay my Diamond please just go to bed." Rachel pouted "fine I'll go to bed..only because you need sleep."

Rachel curled up against Ira "I love you Ira." Ira looked down at her with a fond smile "and I love you my Diamond." Once Rachel fell asleep Ira looked over at his desk and silently leaning over and  opening the drawer looking at the small box which held something in it that would lead to a question that would change Rachel's life forever. Ira sighed softly as he shut it softly before wrapping his arm's around Rachel's waist as he soon fell asleep.

(chapter 13) (I think their gonna strike out)

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