The Mystical waterfall

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Rachel was rested against Ira's back with arms holding her legs to keep her from falling Rachel could tell sleep was starting to get to the best of her. Ira looked over at her with a soft smile "Just get some sleep you have had a long day." Rachel smiled sleepily "okay but are you sure you can manage to carry me?." Ira smiled gently "Your as light as a feather Diamond." Rachel blushed softly before kissing him softly on the cheek before resting her head against the crook of his neck.

Ira smiled gently at her kissing her forehead before teleporting beside Regina. Regina smiled at Ira "you doing okay." Ira chuckled "I'm doing okay just really confused about who or what had given us all the exact same dreams." Regina sighed softly "I know I'm as confused as you are right now but we will figure this out I promise." 

Ira smiled softly "Yeah I guess your right...but what if we don't." Regina smiled sadly "then we don't but we can't give up cause I wan't to know as well." Ira sighed softly as they continued Bel looked over at Mackenzie 

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk." Mackenzie chuckled "I'm sorry too I've just been on edge because of all of this." Bel sighed that's understandable it really is." Mackenzie smiled softly "You think we could oh I don't know start over." Bel smiled "I would like that." Mackenzie smiled brightly before looking over at Ira "When is Ira gonna ever tell Rachel how he feel's." Bel laughed he's just afraid about the idea of telling her." 

Ira looked over his shoulder giving a death glare that said "I know what your saying." Bel laughed softly "sorry Ira." Ira huffed in annoyance as he continued walking Regina skidded to a halt as she stared in shock what is that?." Ira looked in Regina's direction as he stared in shock at the sight of the large bright blue waterfall "It looks so magical I don't think a waterfall is supposed to look like that?." 

Regina stared in confusion "No kidding." Rachel lifted her head sleepily before staring at the waterfall "Beautiful...I have never seen a waterfall look so magical." Ira laughed "You got that right." 

                                                                         What they see

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                                                                         What they see

Rachel was staring in complete aw as she pushed herself off of Ira staring in wonder "it looks like there is a cave behind the waterfall" Maya looked over at it "WE SHOULD GO INTO IT" Ira face palmed "are you kidding me you just got kidnapped now you want to go into a mysterious cave have you lost your mind?!." "Maya shrugged let's go as the girls speed off" Ira groaned "Were dead." And then the Mercinares soon began to follow them to the waterfall.

(chapter 5) (The Mystical waterfall)

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