Chapter 71

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Liz's POV

I know I might have given Avery a hard time, but It was hard to watch that waitress get all flirty with her and watch her not do anything about it. I do realize, and have known that she isn't that smart when it comes to social interactions. It's just hard for me to get used to that, just a reminder that there's still so much I need to learn how to handle and work on for myself. I trust Avery, it's just I got so jealous. I genuinely feel worse about taking it out on her, then the fact that I was actually so jealous. It's not like she genuinely did anything wittingly wrong, hell it wasn't even Avery's fault to begin with. I think it came as a bit of a surprise to her too for my outburst because I don't think she's ever seen me act like that before. It also probably doesn't help that this is our first real date.

I did actually listen to what she was saying in the restaurant though, about giving this a real try and she wants me to let her do this the right way. So I stand by her truck as she walks out to meet me and wait for her to do the simple task she had to fight me for most the night. She smiles back at me as she walks up to meet me. I grab her hands and lean up to kiss her but she's too tall to reach so I resort to pouting as I wait for to lean down to meet me. She smiles at my small pout but leans down meeting my lips regardless. I let one of her hands go and rest it behind her neck to keep her to me as I move my lips against hers for another kiss that she reciprocates. I smile into the kiss ultimately breaking it and look into those bright blue eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes, you know that," I say.

"And you called me cheesy," She smiles down at me.

"Are you going to be my big strong gentleman and get my door for me?" I ask in a teasing manner.

"You think I'm strong?" She lights up slightly.

"You're adorable," I giggle and kiss her once again.

When I go to pull away she leans back into me to capture my lips once again but I just shake my head as she pouts.

"Alright come on. I hope you like what I actually planned," She grins and walks towards the passenger door, opening it for me and helping me inside.

I steal the aux before she even has a chance to argue and start playing from one of my many playlists and sit back as she eventually gets back on the road and starts driving. I've given up trying to ask what she has planned, because she clearly wants it to be a surprise. I've even asked Marisa what she had planned and Marisa told me she hasn't said anything to her just that Avery is excited to take me there. It doesn't dawn on me till we're pulling up to a dome like building and she parks that she has taken me to what appears to be an Ice rink. I jumped out of the truck after letting her get my door again. As small as the gesture really is I find it endearing that she insists on me letting her do it. She slips her hand in mine after grabbing her coat and an extra hoodie from the back of her truck, handing it to me. I shrug and tuck it over my arm holding it to my chest as we walk up to the front doors.

I feel my excitement grow as we walk, I haven't been ice skating since I was in Germany last Christmas. When we walk in she pays for rental skates and extra tickets to something I wasn't paying attention to but I assume extra ice time. I tell the guy behind the counter my size and Avery does the same but when he comes back with two pairs of figure skates, Avery shakes her head, and requests to have hockey skates she can use instead.

Once we get our skates and start putting them on, I giggle as I watch Avery fail horribly at tying her laces, and help her.

"This is what happens when all you wear are sneakers. It's kind of like tying boots," I tell her as I tie them for her.

"I don't like boots," She grumbles as she watches me.

"Why ask for hockey skates over figures?" I ask.

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