Chapter 13

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Avery's POV

Why did I choose to sit between munchie and munchie jr. All they have been doing for like almost half this game is eat random snacks that they keep pulling out of what seems to be nowhere. I can't barely focus on what's happening on the field because of crunching noises coming from either side of me. I'm currently chewing on a twizzler from my spare pack from my truck that I hide in my hoodie pocket. Which might have been a mistake, I should have just accepted my fate of biting my nails instead so I wouldn't have to have this conversation with Marisa.

"Can I have one?" She asks me, trying to sneak a hand over towards my pocket.

I smack her hand away and glare at her. "One, and that's it," I cave, in hopes she leaves me alone.

She gives me a satisfied grin when I give her one. Only to be met with a sneaky hand less than 5 minutes later, she's trying to steal another. I smack her hand again and narrow my eyes. "Stop it."

"Come on just one more?" She's practically whining.

"You don't even like licorice!" I groan, feeling exhausted with her change in behavior.

"Well you don't have to be a dick about it," Leo sasses.

"Ugh, I can't with you two," I sigh, praying this game will end in a timely manner.

"She's just irritable cause Liz has to work," Leo says to Marisa over me.

"I'm sitting right here."

"I know she's so whipped," Marisa teases.

"I am not!" I snap my head towards her.

"Are too," Leo grins.

"Am not," I say through gritted teeth.

"You so are," Marisa looks back down towards the field.

"I am not, and you're just high." I roll my eyes.

"You're correct, too bad I think I'm coming down and that makes me a tad sad."

"You also be lookin' a sad tad too," Leo teases Marisa.

We hear screaming coming from the field that draws all our attention. It's hard to hear what is being said but the yelling is coming from a girl who is storming onto the track surrounding the football field, where the game is still going on. I look in the direction of the girl's attention and see she's looking towards the cheerleaders posing for a photo that Liz is taking. As she gets closer to the group my mind is running with the different possible reasons as to why this random girl is charging the group. The coaches and other officials not preoccupied with the game were trying to order her off the field, but their voices fell to deaf ears.

I pick up a clear sentence that falls aggressively from her lips, "You bitch, how dare you sleep with my boyfriend!" She yells at Liz as she turns to look at who's yelling only to be met with this girl's fist to her face forcing her to drop her camera from her hands, forcing the lanyard to hang taut around Liz's neck.

I'm on my feet the second I see Liz's head snap back from the impact, but the minute I see blood I'm on my way down the bleachers before I feel Leo's hand on my forearm pulling me back towards my seat.

"Calm your tits, sweet cheeks, Liz can handle herself. This ain't the first time she's been in a fight," He smirks slightly.

"What do you mean? She just got decked in the face by some random chick!" I stress to him feeling my anxiety of the situation climbing from not being able to help.

"Watch," He points towards the field.

I look towards Liz and the girl, and notice Liz desperately trying to keep the blood from getting on the camera, as well as the group of cheerleaders screaming from shock, the girl is rambling on about something I can't hear from my seat with all the yelling going on around me. I see the girl pull her fist back ready to swing, and Liz must have noticed too because she struck first with a clean punch to her face. If I wasn't so worried I probably would have been more impressed. I can see the rage from the other girl clear in her eyes now as she goes to punch Liz again but Liz takes her legs out from under her and the girl falls to her knees hard forcing herself to lean forward to catch herself reaching for Liz only to have her hand grabbed and bent backwards by Liz herself. Luckily the coaches and other faculty who were there finally got to the two and separated them. I couldn't take anymore sitting and waiting around and I tried getting down the bleachers but there was so much going on that they wouldn't let anyone out of the stands.

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