Chapter 30

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Liz's POV

Marisa has been very careful around me when it comes to being intimate since the situation with Emily about a week ago. But on the other hand Avery has been quite active with me, although I don't exactly think that's much of her doing, as much as it's mine. By that I mean I may have been more direct with her recently and by recently I mean since last week. Part of it is trying to get the idea of Emily out of my head and the other is mostly because kissing Avery is just so exhilarating, I don't really know how to explain it.

"Avery," I called out as she's taking a water break after her practice game during gym.

She looks over at me with a confused face, walking over to me wiping off her face with the inside of her gym shirt. I watch as she pulls up her shirt over her chin revealing her tight black sports bra, the slight definition from her muscles that's now showcase as I follow a single line of sweat down the center of her abs. I look up to catch the way her forearms flex as she presses her hands against her face and pulls them down to her chin before letting her shirt drop.

I don't even notice how my mouth is agape till I hear Marisa huff. I snap out of my derailing thoughts as Avery is now in front of us grabbing her water bottle and taking a sip making it even more obvious of our height difference, making me have to look up at her. I step closer to her and grab her shorts and boxers by the hem and pull her closer to me so her hips are flush with my body, I pull her head down with my free hand on the back of her neck. I roll up onto the balls of my feet to reach her ear, keeping a tight hand on the inside of her boxers. I can hear how deep her breathing is against my neck.

"Follow me behind the bleachers," I whisper out in a sultry tone before kissing the skin just below her ear.

I step back slowly pulling my fingers from her shorts and walk away towards the bleachers. I make sure to sway my hips in my leggings, I refuse to wear those gym shorts anymore. It doesn't take long till I hear fast tennis shoes squeak against the polish wooden floor heading towards me. I stay out of view till she's close then I step out and push her against the cold brick wall. Her skin is still hot from running around, and that only makes me want her more. I stand on my toes kissing along her exposed neck grabbing the waistband of her boxers and slipping my hands underneath grabbing her bare hips. I hear her groan underneath me when I nip at her ear, and I let one of my hands slide up her stomach towards her bra. I can feel her chest moving up and down faster under my hand.

I start to kiss her neck a little more aggressively as I sneak my hand deeper into her pants tracing along her thigh, feeling her legs spread slightly before I feel two strong hands grab my hips pushing me back and spinning so my back is pinned against the wall instead.

"You never learn, do you," She chuckles slowly looking into my half lidded eyes with her own dark blue ones.

I feel her press her lower body into me, with her leg pressing between mine. I gasp at the sudden pressure grabbing her shoulder and neck for support. She leans down and claims my lips on her own. I feel her tongue on my lips and open my mouth begging for her to dance with my own. When I feel her tongue enter my mouth I feel something in me heat up faster than before, I pull at her neck pulling her into me more as if that's even possible.

I feel her hand on my thigh and pull myself up on her shoulders wrapping my legs around her waist. She presses me against the wall, as I grind against her hips trying to gain much needed friction. I release a moan as I feel her tongue run along my neck followed by teeth then her lips. I pull up her shirt enough to get my hand under it and slide it under her sports bra and feel her nipple under my finger tips. I feel her kisses falter as she groans and shutters from my actions.

I let a smirk grace my face, "Is daddy getting a little too excited?"

"Stop talking," Avery growls and shuts me up with a strong hand around my throat and an aggressive kiss.

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