How you Met

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This is the first one, enjoy.

Captain America: You are Tony Stark's Sister. You have a fascination with cars and bikes, which means you spend most of your time in the basement of the Avengers tower. One day the garage door opens reveling a battered Steve. He was wheeling the remains of a Harley- Davidson motor cycle through the big metal doors of the workshop, you notice that he's limping. "Are you alright, sir?" You ask him, he looks up at you and into your eyes. He looks completely mesmerized by your (Y/E/C) eyes, but then he snaps back to reality.

"I'm okay ma'am, I just came off my bike about a quarter mile back and it came apart." He says sadly, looks like he was quiet attached to his bike, it looked custom. "How about I take a look at it, Tony is in the lab with Bruce so he won't be coming out anytime soon." You tell him while grabbing your tool box and a clean cloth. He just smiles and steps back, giving you room to work. You notice that as you work on his bike, he is watching you, every time you flip your (Y/H/C) hair out of your face, he smiles. Once you finished with his bike, you took a few seconds to admire your handy work, stuff like this isn't easy.

"Thank you ma'am, how can i ever repay you?" He asks. You chuckle and look into his blue eyes. "It was nothing, and its (Y/N) by the way, (Y/N) Stark." You say with a smile. "So your Tony's sister? I should have known. Just wondering, this might happen again.. and i owe you so, do you mind if ask you for your number?"He says looking at the floor, a blush rising to his cheeks. You pull a small piece of paper out of your pocket and hand it to him.

"Call me"

Iron Man: You were Pepper's cousin, and the daughter of an extremely wealthy business owner. You were on your way to Stark towers to give some papers to Tony about a deal with the two companys. You were nervous, you were worried that Tony would only hit on you, Pepper said that he has that type of reputation. The car pulled up to Stark towers and you noticed Pepper waiting for you, so you jumped out of the car and greeted her with a big hug.

"Well what do we have here?" You heard Pepper sigh, she came out of the embrace and turned to Tony. "Tony, this is (Y/N) on behalf of the business we are planning to partner with, she is also my cousin."Pepper said. Tony looked at my with wide eyes. "Right, this way then, are those the papers?" He asks. I nod at hold them out to him, and he surprisingly takes them, Pepper looks as shocked as you.

"I thought you didn't like being handed things Tony?" Pepper asks. He turned to you and smiled, "I make exceptions for Lady's as beautiful as (Y/N)" He said with a wink. This is going to be interesting...

Bruce: You were a scientist at shield, you specialized in human biology and were in charge of a team of scientists that had similar skills to you. One day, the Avengers were visiting the labs when Bruce walked in. You were doing an experiment measuring how your heart rate increases when another person touches parts of the body. Bruce and some shield agents were wandering around until he saw the equipment you were setting up. He slowly walked over to you and observed the experiment.

There were two people sitting in chairs in a glass room, one with wires attached to him connected to a heart rate monitor. On each test, the person without the wires would place two fingers on the other's arm, slowly getting closer to his shoulder. You recorded the result on a table and you had a drawing of a person where you would pinpoint each place the person would touch. After you had completed the experiment Bruce approached you:

"That was a very interesting experiment."He said happily." Thank you doctor Banner, I love your work, its fascinating." You replied back.

"Maybe we will work on something together?"He asked. "I would love too."

Hawkeye: Working was hard, its worse when your an agent from shield, do you know what makes it worse then that? Head of weapons and machinery in Shield. Clint knew who you were, but you didn't know him, he watched you from his nest each morning when you came through the doors at 9:00 and left at 7:00. Today was different, there was a meeting and all agents had to attend, today was the day to finally talk to you.

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