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Captain America: His for you: Darlin.

Steve was old fashioned, this is what most men called their girls in the 1940s but nobody seemed to call them this anymore. Plus you had a big heart so he always called you his 'little darlin' when you helped someone out.

Yours for him: Sweety.

He was adorable, he would always hold the door open for people and help the elderly across the road. You thought it was sweet, so thats why you call him sweety.

Iron man: His for you: Sexy.

Its Tony, what did you expect? He is always complementing you on how you look, the minute you walk into a room he always shouts out something along the lines of "Theres my sexy girl", even when hes in a meeting.

Yours for him: Honey.

When you and Tony are alone he is the sweetest and most caring man you have ever met, when no one else is around the playboy is gone and its just Tony. You love it, he can be sweet like honey so thats what you call him.

Hulk: His for you: Beautiful.

You can be very self-conscious, you are always complaining about your body or hair, and Bruce hates it. He finds you perfect in every way, and he tries to make sure you know it by calling you this whenever he can.

Yours for him: Sweetheart.

Bruce thinks that he's a monster, but he isn't. You know he is sweet inside and out, but he thinks that because of the other guy he isn't worth anyone's time. You call him sweetheart just to remind him that you love him for who he is.

Hawkeye: His for you/yours for him: Babe.

He called you babe for a joke but now its stuck, you both call each other that as you didn't really call each other anything else, you actually call each other babe more then you do your real names. Although when Clint gets annoying, you do call him birdboy which he absolutely hates, after you call him that it ends up with him chasing you around trying to tickle you. XD

Black Widow: Hers for you: Baby.

Once when she came home from a mission, she found you crying on the sofa. She didn't know why you were crying but she did everything she could to get you to calm down, you looked up at her and started to calm down, she kept on talking to you and kept calling you baby. Even after the whole crying situation, she still calls you that as you smiled every time she says it.

Yours for her: Love.

You new the Widow better then anyone, apart from Clint of course, and she opened up to you more then you expected. You knew that underneath the skin-tight Catsuit was a bundle of love, so thats what you called her.

Thor: His for you: Princess.

He worshiped the ground you walked on, he thought you were the best thing to ever happen to him. He said that you were his princess, and that he must protect his princess from anything that means her harm. You loved when he called you that as it meant that he loved you, he would call you that and then come up behind you and hug you.

Yours for him: Prince

If your his princess, he has to be your prince. He loved it every time you called him that and he would crush you in a hug.

Loki: His for you: My dear.

He wasn't good with nicknames but he thought that this one suited you, after a long day he would stand at the bottom on the stairs and call for you, making you run down the stairs into his arms.

Yours for him: My King.

After he realized that he couldn't be king, he started to think that you deserved better and he wasn't worth it. So you called him my King to keep him happy, you loved him for who he is and you didn't want the power anyway.

Wanda: Hers for you: Gorgeous

She thinks your absolutely stunning, she fell for you when she first laid her eyes on you and she makes sure you know it.

Yours for her: Red.

Take a guess, her eyes sparkle red when the light hits them and you love it when she shows you her magic. She wasn't keen on her nickname when she first heard it but she warmed up to it in the end, now she smiles a lot wider when you call her.

Pietro: His for you: Sugar

You can be quiet sweet but bossy at the same time and Pietro loves to tease you about it. When you have just bossed someone around Pietro will come up to you and say "Calm down, Sugar". He does call you babe when your alone though.

Yours for him: Speedy

You love to watch him zip around everywhere and you love to tease him about it as well. Speedy was an obvious choice, but again when your alone you call him Handsome sometimes to make him smile.

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