You get kidnapped

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Warning: Possible triggers.

Captain America: One day when Steve was at work, you had decided to get shopping with a few friends that you hadn't seen in a while. You spent the morning going to all your favorite shops and then getting lunch, you finished around mid afternoon and your friends went home as they had plans. Throughout the day, you noticed a man in a black hoodie following you and your friends, but you brushed it off and decided it was just your imagination. You were walking home and went down an ally to get to Stark Towers, it was winter so it was already quite dark, you felt a hand grab your arm and pull you away into a building. You kicked and screamed until the man had you against a wall with a hand over your mouth. Some more people in black hoodies came out from behind a broken staircase, one was holding a camera and two people had a chair and some rope.

"Don't worry sweetheart, we're going to have some fun..."

Iron Man: Tony had told you about his life before he made the first suit and explained that he had enemies, and they weren't to be messed with. It didn't bother you though, you knew that Tony wouldn't let anyone take you from him. You were in the tower relaxing while Tony was downstairs fixing a suit that got destroyed, you had a movie on and were dosing off half way through until you heard footsteps.

"Tony?"You called out, no reply, so you called again, still nothing. You paused the movie and walked towards the hall where the noise was coming from. Suddenly, a hand clamped your mouth shut while another snaked around your waist. You heard him chuckle and the hand was taken from your mouth and replaced with a cloth, you felt yourself falling asleep but you kept fighting to stay awake.

"Sweet dreams..."Was all you heard before you blacked out.

Hulk: Bruce didn't really have enemies, but he did have a lot of jealous scientists who would do anything to outmatch him. When you, Bruce and the people in your department at Shield went to look at another lab, you didn't expect anything to happen. You were just browsing around the rooms until you stopped to look at an experiment that some people were doing, they offered for you to come into the room but you declined, saying that you had to keep with the group. When they asked you again you started to get frustrated, especially when one placed there hand on your shoulder, you said no and turned to go back to the group but was stopped when they stepped in front of you.

"I don't think you get it, we won't take no for an answer (Y/N), I'm sure Bruce won't realize your gone..." and then they pulled you into the room.

Hawkeye: Clint was always scared you were going to get hurt, and being high up in SHIELD you both had enemies, once they found out you two were together, they thought it was the perfect time to get some revenge. You were on a mission with some other agents, you were trying to sneak into the building but you were caught. You were injured and the other agents had been pretty roughed up because of the fighting, you were fighting some of the guards that were blocking the exit. Another Agent got hit and you were almost out of ammo, another squad of men came up behind you and you surrendered. You were taken to the leader who immediately recognized you, your team was taken to the cells while you were left alone with the leader. They tied you to a chair and started asking questions, when you refused to answer you were hit, before he left the room he turned and asked you one last thing.

"By the way, hows Clint?" They left and you were let alone with a few more guards, who had evil smirks on there face.

Black Widow: Due to Nat's past, she was always paranoid that something was gonna happen to you. And the day it did, she wasn't there to prevent it. You were in bed, asleep, when you were woken up by a feeling that someone was watching you. You were frozen to the bed when you saw a black figure sitting in the arm chair in the corner of the room, you kept your eyes shut and tried to steady your breathing. The figure got up and walked to your side of the bed and stopped, he leaned down next to you and whispered:

"Hail Hydra..". Then you felt something sharp and small pierce your side before everything went black.

Thor: Thor thought you were stunning, and so did every other boy you met. You had turned down so many boys that if you had a Penny for each time, you could be rich. There was one in particular that wouldn't take no for an answer, Gerald. He wouldn't leave you alone, every time he saw you he would ask you, and each time you said no. When he found out you were with Thor, he was beyond angry and told Thor he would get revenge. One day you were in the shop setting up with your brother as Thor wasn't coming until later, your brother had finished his work and left to start the tractor up. Gerald decided to pay you a visit, he walked into the shop and placed a letter on the counter. You raised your eyebrows at him when you saw the letter was addressed to your Asguardian boyfriend, he smiled and went to leave the shop. You heard a bang noise and found he dropped his wallet, you picked it up and ran outside to his van where he was unlocking it. You handed it to him and smiled, as you murmured a goodbye to him, he pulled you into the back and pushed you against the side. He got out and locked the doors, you held your head in pain and felt something run down your face, blood. You looked at it as a drop fell to the floor, and fainted.

Loki: Loki didn't have many friends, and surprisingly not many enemies. You knew that after the events in New York that Thanos and the Chitauri would be mad with him. You were at the library with Loki, sorting out the shelves and organising books, Loki had gotten a job at the library with you so that he could earn his own money instead of taking his brothers. You two were already good at your jobs, but together you were amazing and both of you ended up getting promoted. You went to get another pile of books but you were met with a bang and a lot of dust. You both ran down the stairs to see what the noise was, you saw 5 cloaked figured walking into the library through a hole in the wall. Loki looked at you and then the people before pulling you into him and wrapping his arms around you to protect you.

"Loki, you must pay for what you have done, TRAITOR!" The middle one shouted pointing his finger at you two. You felt yourself being pulled away from Loki, Loki was reaching out for you but he was being held back by the figures and you were pulled into a white light.

Wanda: As a psychologist, you have to deal with psychopaths a lot, so they didn't really scare you. But today you were given the task to go the New York Asylum to speak to one of the patients. You were told he was bad, and clever so you needed to watch your back. You were sitting across from him in a white room surrounded by guards, you introduced yourself and he introduced himself as well, then you started asking questions such as 'How old are you' and 'Do you have any family' just to get to know him a bit more. After an hour you felt like you made progress with him and said you'll be back next week, he looked sad to see you go but you reassured him that you will be back. You gathered your things and said goodbye to him, but he pulled out a gun and shot the guards, you screamed when he locked the doors so no-one could get in, the guards outside the window started to panic and attempted to break the door down, but nothing would work. He smiled and sat you down on the chair and then he sat down on the one opposite, his eyes didn't leave you the entire time you were in there.

Pietro: You were outside SHIELD, thinking about your life at the moment. You had been receiving threatening messages and letters but you didn't know what to do about them, you had told Pietro who made sure there were eyes on you 24/7 whether it was him or another agent, he told Fury as well but he brushed it off saying it was nothing. You admiring the view when a random person can and stood next to you, he introduced himself and said he was new to SHIELD, you talked for a bit until your break was over. You were walking back to Shield when he started following you, you turned and told him to back off as it was creeping you out, but he pulled you into an ally next to SHIELD and threw you into a car. You fought him back and managed to hit him in the face but he was too strong for you, you heard another agent calling you and then you heard gunfire, you felt something stab your leg while you tried to pull your gun out and you screamed, it was a needle. You saw him pull out a gun and shoot back at the agents, then it went black.

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