Bucky part 1

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How you met: After SHIELD collapsed, you found yourself jobless. Actually, you saw SHIELD go down from your window as you lived in the forest with a view of it. You had a similar job to Agent Hill, but the ONE DAY you take time off, SHIELD goes down and you are left with nothing. You were in your cabin, trying to wrap your head  around things, until you heard branches snap outside. To start with, you thought it was just a person walking the dog. But they were heavy and fast, so you peered outside the window to see what was coming towards you. A man who was soaking wet and dressed in combat armour came staggering towards the house. You grabbed your gun from the table and waited behind the door. He was leaning against the beam on the decking, gripping his stomach and head, looks like he had been in a fight. You got out the door so he looked up at you, he saw the gun in your hand and grimaced.

"Who are you?" You asked strongly. He looked at the floor with a frown, he didn't look at you when he answered.

"I don't know."

"Okay, whats your name?" You ask with sincerity, this time he looked at you.

"Bucky... I think" He said. He slid down the pole clutching his wounds, you felt as if you weren't supposed to know him, and he was dangerous, but you pushed it aside as he was hurt.

"Your gonna need stiches on those wounds, you know" You said, putting the gun away for now. He nodded at you and got up, he seemed weary and confused.

"And since you may bleed out if you try and get anywhere, I can stich them up for you? Good thing I'm a medic huh..." You said, you didn't want to tell him about the SHIELD thing, probably mention it later...

"Could you help me up then?" Bucky replied. You got him up and into the house, he took off his armour (which you had to help him with) and you stitched him up.

"I need to leave, its getting late" He said while sitting on the kitchen counter. You shock your head and tutted.

"If you start walking now, the stiches will open up. And there are animals that love to take a bite outa you at this time of night" You said. He tensed up again, his back muscles flexed along with his metal arm. "Don't worry, I have a spare room you can stay in for now"

"Okay." He said and put a shirt on that you had given him. He went into the room and you didn't see him until the morning. He stayed with you, eventually you cracked him, but he trusted you.

First Date: You weren't sure if this really counted as a date, but you took it and so did he. So after he told you about Hydra and the winter soldier, you told him about SHIELD. Eventually, he agreed to stay with you until everything blows over. You decided today would be the day you would take Bucky to get clothes, as he didn't have much. You went to a rural shop that did men's clothing, with your hoods up and gun in pocket, you entered quietly and picked out some t-shirts for Bucky while he looked around. He didn't like colour, so everything was mostly black and dark blue. He tried on a few outfits for you, he even laughed when you started joking about his sense of fashion. You left witth everything and laughed the whole way home.

How you become official: BANG! That's how it all started. You and Bucky had been talking like normal, until you heard a gun shot and the window smash. He pulled you behind the kitchen counter with the gun, he grabbed he knifes and ushered you into the bedroom. He locked the door and opened the window and jumped out. You jumped out after him and he caught you just as the front door was smashed open. You ran the entire forest while they cased you, whoever they are, but that wasn't your main concern. You got to a clearing in the forest and another car blocked your path, you were surrounded. Out jumped Captain America with a bunch of his friends, Bucky immediately tensed.

"Come on Bucky, come with us and let the girl go with SHIELD" Captain America said calmly. The guards all aimed there guns at you, Bucky pulled you into him for protection and you grabbed a knife from his pocket.

"Don't you even think about hurting her." He told Cap. "If anyone of you even touch my girlfriend, then I will not hesitate to not only take your life, but mine to." He almost screamed. Wait, Girlfriend?

" Everyone stand down, no one touches him or the girl, they will come with us." Cap orders, he seems like he's panicking. I am too, Bucky would do that for me?

We followed Cap into the back of the van, he got us in and shut the door, locking it. The lights came on and Bucky let out a breath.

"Girlfriend?" You asked him.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I gave in, I didn't want them to hurt you. And the girlfriend thing, err, well I was going to ask but I wasn't sure if it was the right time or if you even felt that way. I guess I just trust you and-" He rambled.

"BUCKY!" You cut him off. "Its fine, I would love to. And you did what was right, who knows what would of happened if you didn't do that." You finished. He smiled and hugged you as the van started moving.

First kiss: They took you to the Avenger's tower. They opened the door and escorted you and Bucky into the building for questioning, your hands were entwined together the whole time . However, once you got inside they had to split you up for questioning. You had done your side of what happened and you were being detained in one of the glass cells they had. After about an hour, you were starting to get worried. Nobody had been to check on you, no word on Bucky or what they are going to do. Another hour goes by and still nothing, just glass walls and computer monitors. By the third hour, you were really panicking, pacing around the cell and murmuring things to keep calm.

You heard shouting in the hallway outside and smashing. Has Hulk been released? You asked yourself, it happened some more until you heard gun shots. A bunch of guards came rushing into the room and pushed a buttons before rushing out again. The window that showed the corridor outside the cell room was now active with guards. You saw things fly towards them and hit the walls, tables, chairs, plant pots. It was rather amusing. You heard shouting again and Bucky. What the hell is going on?

Bucky had come into view in the window and saw you in the cell, you called for him as guards came to contain him. He rushed into the room and pressed the button that opened the cell door, the red light went green and the door went into the celling. You rushed out and jumped onto Bucky, hugging him like your life depended on it.

"They wouldn't let me see you (Y/N), they said you being detained. I couldn't find you and they wouldn't let you out to see me. Did they hurt you? How long were you in there for?" He stated, Cap was shouting at the agents for what they did behind you. They all had there guns ready, as Bucky was still unstable. You didn't say anything until Bucky let you go and checked you over for any injuries.

"I'm okay Buck" You told him, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him. He lent down and kissed you, quickly and softly, before nuzzling his head in your shoulder. He refused to answer anymore questions without me, but in the end they put us in a room next to Captains and it was guarded, much to Bucky's displeasure. There were two double beds, but you guys ended up sharing one. You were telling stories to Bucky when you fell asleep, and he didn't want to move you as you looked too peaceful.

Nicknames: His for you: Doll

He remembers guys calling women that in the 1940's, and you found it cute. So it stuck.

Yours for him: Softy

He can be such a sweetheart once you take away all of the 'winter soldier' hydra gave him. You love that side of him, but you only call him that when your alone. Otherwise its Buck or babe, sometimes sweetie.




So I decided to add Bucky into this as he is like my favourite person ever. My computer messed up and deleted half of this so I had to start again. I hope you like it and part two will be out soon!

bye guysssss- Amy

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