They ask you to move in

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Captain America: Steve was nervous, to say the least. He made a deal with Tony saying that if he didn't ask you then he would have to squeeze into an iron man suit. You can picture it now, not pretty. He had wanted to ask you, but chickened out of it in fear of rejection. So he came up with a plan. He went and got a small house that opens up inside. He placed a small note in it and gave it to you. Of course you had no idea on whats going on and opened it. The note was so neatly written that it didn't look like Steve's handwriting. Oh course you said yes, why wouldn't you.

Iron Man: You practically live at stark towers anyway, so he was very casual about asking you. You were on the couch while he was making drinks.


"Yeah Tony?" He probably wants to know what movie your going to watch.

"You moving in with me or what?"

"Sure, can we get my stuff tomorrow."

"Yeah, now I can have you here 24/7. " He said with a smirk. Lets leave it at that.

Hulk: Bruce didn't want you to move in, in case he hurt you. But after a year and still going strong, he asked.

"You know- I errr- I would love it- it if you... moved in with me."

"Yeah Sweetheart, I'll start packing after the presentation tomorrow."

"Okay I shouldn't have asked- wait, you will?"

"Yeah, bout time you asked me too." *insert Bruce's sigh of relief*

Hawkeye: "Babe?" He asked for the fifth time

"Babe? Babe!" Sixth time. You were trying to work on a new project for SHIELD, a very important one in fact.

"Baaaaaaabbbeeeeee" He wined.



"I love you." He grinned.

"I swear to god Clint-"

"ANNNNND I want you to move in with me." He asked on his knees.

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?"


"Fine." And he skipped away cheering from the top of his lungs.

Black widow: Nat was always on missions or at SHIELD. She basically lived there. But she hated it, she hated every bit of living there. So one day she showed up at your door, obviously pissed, and dumped all of her stuff on the floor. You put her boxes to the side and followed her into the kitchen, where she was picking out different furniture to put in her side of the room. She had the house decorated in a week...

Thor: Thor lived at your house when he visited earth, if not then he lived with 'Brother Anthony'. But you thought he may as well live with you, as he doesn't like being away from you. He moved some of his Midgard clothing into your house and you guys were fine. You carried on like normal, until...

"Princess, why don't you move to Asgard with me?"

"Because I need to take care of the farm, I can't move away from here."

"Why don't you come to Asgard when I go back."

"Yeah, that sounds fun. And I can meet your parents."

"You can keep clothes there like I do here. But you'll need a full wardrobe, hair stylists, maids..." What have you gotten yourself into?

Loki: He didn't really think about asking you to move in with him until Steve had asked his girlfriend. It was 'the next step in a relationship', according to the mortal magazine he read. He loved you, with all of his heart, so he did it. You defiantly said yes. The next morning you watched Loki put your things in boxes using his magic, while you relaxed. He was done by lunch, and the van got there to move your stuff while you talked to the landlord.

Wanda: She was breaking things, snapping at people, and just plain moody. She didn't want to be rejected, that was her fear. But she did it, and was surprised by the outcome.

"Gorgeous? Can you do something for me?"

"Sure. But move in with me first."

"I was going to ask you that.."

"I know, but I wanted to ask you too."

"I would love too."

Pietro: "Hey sugar."

"Pietro can you-" And he was off. He came back 5 minutes later with another small piece of metal.


"Babe please don't-" Off he went. Oh god.

"Guess who?"

"Speedy this better be the last one." You said as he played around with the metal next to your desk. You looked up from your work and looked at what he was making. A small house with two people.

"Move in with me?"

"If you insist." You smirked.

Bucky: It kinda happened. After SHIELD found you again they put you in charge of Bucky, you had to get him back to his older self. He moved in with you after a while and it was pretty weird. He didn't sleep in the same bed as you until he had settled, he had a nightmare and came into your room to sleep. But Steve helped him move and in and stayed with your for a while. But no-one asked each other, it was an order from fury. Lets just say, thank you fury.




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bye guyssss- Amy

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