Where they like to kiss you

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Captain America: Cheek

Steve isn't into PDA, in the forties men and women didn't kiss or do anything really affectionate. But he will kiss your cheek whenever he can, and when you walk you hold hands. When another guy was looking at you, he kissed your cheek to tell him your his and now he does it whenever he can, its adorable.

Iron Man: Lips

Do I really need to explain Tony? He likes your lips, mainly because when he kisses you he can put his hands on your ass. So yeah, its Tony so what did you expect here?

Hulk: Temple

You get terrible migraines when you work and it drives you insane. Bruce knows this happens and will kiss your temple to sooth you bad headaches, it works though! Now Bruce uses it as an excuse to kiss you when you work, not that you mind.

Hawkeye: Jawline

Clint knows what this does to you, therefor its his favorite place to kiss you! You hate how once he kisses you there, he has you wrapped around his little finger. If your stressed from work and Clint notices, thats the first thing he'll do. Fury caught him do it once and lets just say, he wasn't impressed with it.

Black Widow: Shoulder

You could be cooking dinner, or cleaning up or even working and Natasha will come up to you and kiss your shoulder. She will come up behind you and kiss your shoulder, usually when shes stressed or feeling down, and you will let her, you're not really going to stop her are you?

Thor: Forehead

He's so tall compared to you, well, he is a god... but thats not the point. Its easier for both of you if he just kissed you there instead of bending down to kiss you and you getting on your tippy toes to kiss him. As long as he could kiss you he was happy.

Loki: Hands

He was raised in Asgard and that was how men would greet woman, however he just did it because it would make you smile. He already loved your hands, so this was an obvious favorite! He would do it and watch as the blush crept up your cheeks and your dimples came out with it, put it this way, you loved it as well.

Wanda: Collarbone

She was slightly shorter then you, and when she didn't like it when you would wear heels for work, so she resorted to this. It drove you crazy when she would kiss you there, the thought of it made you weak in the knees. She found it comforting to rest her head there when you hugged, so she would kiss you there to take advantage of the moment.

Pietro: Everywhere

Pietro couldn't decide where his favorite place to kiss you was, you didn't mind. He loved everything about you, your personality and body were perfect to him and he liked to make sure you knew it. Everyday it was somewhere different, forehead, cheek, neck, lips. You really liked it when he kissed your neck, just not in front of your colleges at work or worse, the avengers. He only made that mistake once...




Sorry its a slow update, school has just started again and it has been super busy! There will be more updates soon so don't worry, check out my Avengers fanfiction called 'Controlling the Pain'. Vote, comment and follow me for new stories. I love you all!

bye guysssss- Amy

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