Bucky part 2

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In Yours: Sergeant Barnes 💋

In His: Perfection 😍

What he likes about you: Your big heart. You took in Bucky when he had nothing left and you saved him. You take care of anyone that comes your way, anyone who needs help gets it and make sure of it. Bucky loves this about you and always strives to be like you.

What you love about him: His personality. After going back to Steve the old Bucky started to come through, the cheekiness was a bit overwhelming sometimes, but you loved it. He now smirks at you a lot, uses the cheesiest pickup lines you've ever heard and always complements you anywhere.You love his fondness, and that he isn't afraid of what other people think of the two of you.

You get kidnapped: Finally, you were let out of the Avengers towers so you could get your stuff and go shopping. You were moving into the tower with Bucky as you were the only one who could control Bucky when he got upset or angry, which happened quite a bit. So Tony had given you your own floor that you share with Bucky, and you had gone out with your cousin to buy some stuff for you room. You had done all the shopping and you were making your way back to the tower until you saw your old friend from high school walking your way. You talked to him for a few minutes and found out that he lived nearby, so you both agreed to meet up soon. You turned to leave but he grabbed your hand and asked you to stay, you said no but he wouldn't let you. You tried to fight him off but he wouldn't let you leave, you punched him square in the jaw but he got straight back up again. More people started emerging from different places trying to grab you. You fought until you felt yourself blacking out, the only thing you felt was a pain at the back of your neck and you heard a faint:

"Hail Hydra".

They save you: You were bound to a chair in the centre of the room. There were people all around you watching to see when you would wake up, you peeled open your eyes slowly to see who was watching you. It was him. H/e stood up slowly and started talking about hydra, how they managed to keep going after SHIELD fell, the winter soldier. They explained that the winter soldier was still valuable, and you were valuable to him, so by taking you that will mean he will come for you and blah blah blah. You knew they were going to tell you that, so you didn't really show that much shock.

They dragged you into a large room with a ring in the middle. There were people shouting at the ring in the middle, which had a large man with swords fighting a prisoner. You were dragged right up to the front to watch as the prisoner with killed horrifically, you were next. The mans body was dragged out of the arena and thrown onto the pile of others, the crowd screamed as you made an appearance. They pulled off your gag and pushed you through the gate, you feel onto the floor and scrambled to the side away from the man. You heard a bang, you looked up at the man to see he had dropped to the floor. It was deathly silent, so quiet you could hear the rapid footsteps approaching from outside. There was gunfire everywhere, everyone had fled leaving you and your kidnappers. They were all taken out immediately, the door had blown open and Bucky ran in. He untied you hands and carried you out to Steve, where Steve took you back to the quinjet while Bucky finished destroying the base with the others. You get checked out until the others made it aboard, Bucky broke down with you, refusing to leave you alone again. You didn't have many injuries, but Bucky didn't let you leave bed for 2 days after and Tony got you a phycologist, it was nice to know the cared.




Love you all. Vote and comment what you want after Bucky or message me for requests. Love you all!

bye guyssss -Amy

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