How you become offical

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Captain America: He was nervous, you knew he wanted to ask you but he was scared you would say no. He decided the best way to do it was to link it with something you love, bikes! But how? He asked Clint if he could keep you busy while he set up something in the basement, he was looking around and stumbled across a huge box of nuts and bolts. This was going to be perfect.

After a day of Clint asking you questions about bikes and pestering you to go out to the park away from work you knew something was up. Clint allowed you to go home and you rushed down to the basement to check if anything had happened. When the doors opened, Steve was standing in the the middle of the room holding a White lily in his hand and next to him, "Girlfriend?" was spelt out in nuts and bolts. He walked up to you and scratched the back of his neck, he held the lily out to you and stepped aside so you could see his handy work. You took the lily and rapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek and nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist, "I take that as a yes then, darlin?" he says. You nod your head and he lifts you and spins you round.

Iron Man: Tony always got what he wanted, so he wasn't nervous about asking you, and he knew you weren't gonna say no. You at Stark towers, you had just had dinner and you were sitting the the main living room drinking exotic drinks and talking. He had his arm around you while your feet were on the coffee table, the other arm held his drink. You noticed he kept starring into your eyes, even when you weren't looking at him.

"Tony are you alright?" You asked with concern. He smirked and leaned back into the sofa.

"Be my girlfriend." You were shocked, he just asked you to be his girlfriend, Tony Starks girlfriend. You were speechless, his smirk disappeared when you were silent, but then a huge smile grew on your face when you put both you drinks on the coffee table and jumped onto his lap placing small kisses on his head.

"I would love to". He chuckled and put his arms around you while telling JARVIS to put a movie on.

Hulk: Bruce was a nervous wreck. He really liked you but he didn't want to hurt you, or get turned down causing him to hurt you. He started to avoid you and didn't come into the lab as often as he did. You had been on four dates and found that you really wanted to be with Bruce, so when he started to grow distant you were upset. You decided to take it into your own hands and find him, after your shift was over you went and asked people if they had seen Bruce, some had said no and others pointed to an empty corridor on the other side of the building. You got to the corridor and heard a voice in one of the rooms, the door was open so you peered around the door frame to look inside. You saw Bruce standing in the mirror, talking to himself, he still had his lab coat on and his glasses were resting on the top of his head.

"Come on Bruce it can't be that hard? (Y/N), would you do the honer.... no don't say (Y/N), will be my girlfriend? " He was practicing asking you, you found it cute that he was nervous and started giggling. He turned around and saw you, he was shocked to say the least, he tried to say something but you cut him off and said "Yes". He let out a sigh of relief, his eyes still not leaving yours.

"Well that was easier than I thought it would be"

Hawkeye: Arrows. That was how he was going to do it. He didn't want to ask you in person as he was afraid of rejection. So he had a plan, he was going to get the Cap to lead you into his training area, saying something was up and he needed you or something like that, then he was going to fire an arrow with a note attached onto a wall and Cap will make you look at the note, the he will jump down and get an answer. Simple! Well, Cap was nervous about messing it up, he didn't want an arrow in his back and an assassin on his tail.

You raced down to the training room with Cap trailing behind you, he had just told you that Clint had messed up one of the machines and was hurt, he said he needed you to help. You kicked open the door and ran inside, frantically looking for Clint or any sign of him. When you couldn't find him, you turned to ask Cap where he was but he was leaning against the door, not even concerned about where he was. You looked at him confused, until an arrow whizzed past your head and hit the wall. Cautiously, you walked over to the arrow and saw a note rolled around the body of it, you paused not wanting to look at it.

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