What you like about them

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Captain America: His Kindness. Steve is a complete gentlemen, in his era men treated women differently to how most men treat them now, and he still treats you the same. He always holds the door open for you and other people, helps old people across the street and he always treats you like a princess. You admire him for it and you hope you can be just as helpful as he is one day.

Iron Man: His Sass. Everyone hates it, from the rude remarks to the sarcastic comments and hand gestures. But you love it, you find it hilarious and it always makes you smile when your down. Your the only one to get his humor, and your the only one who can stop him when it gets too much and he is on the verge of getting hit.

Hulk: His Eyes. You have always been drawn to his eyes, there so big and brown. You always tell him its your favorite thing about him, you can see that behind them, there isn't a monster, but a huge heat of gold. You can stare at them for ages and not get distracted, there the distraction. Bruce finds it strange when you stare at him for long periods of time, but he finds it cute when you blush afterwords.

Hawkeye: His Clumsiness. Clint has perfect aim, he never misses a shot and no one thinks he will. However, when your around its a different story, he messes up a lot if you're there. If you walk into the training room while he's practicing, he will look at you though the corner of his eyes and once his eyes are on you they can't leave, they stop him from concentrating. He will mess up a shot, trip over air and bump into everyone. You love it, to you it proves that he really does like you.

Black Widow: Her Legs. Your jealous of Natasha, she has an amazing body that will look good in anything. Her legs are your weakness, if she wears shorts or a dress you can't help but stare at them, you can't help it though and Nat knows what it does to you so sometimes she will do it on purpose.

Thor: His Knowledge. People think that Thor isn't that smart, and when it comes to science and maths he isn't the smartest. But when it comes to History about Asgard and earth, Thor is the smartest person you have ever met. He could go on for hours about the history of Asgard and make anyone look less intelligent, even Doctor Banner is amazed.

Loki: His Smirk. Its just something about it that draws you in. You could be watching TV and someone could say something funny and that smirk would appear on his face making you weak in the knees. He smirks quite a lot and every time it makes your heart flutter, but what gets you the most is when he actually smiles, not a smirk, but a smile.

Wanda: Her Hair. Its so soft and it flows right through your fingers when you run your hands through it. You love the colour and length of it, because of how long it is you can do different hairstyles and experiment with braids and ponytails. Some times she lets you put it in two ponytails, you think its the cutest thing you have ever seen.

Pietro: His tenderness. Pietro is never afraid to hold your hand or kiss you in public. He loves to show you how much he loves you by either telling you or showing you. You love his fondness and that he isn't afraid of what other people think of the two of you, as long as you two are together, he doesn't care about anything else.(Apart from his sister of course)

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