First Christmas- Pietro

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Requested by @TheGameIsOn97

"PRITZESSSSAAAAAA!" You heard a voice call through from the other room.

"Yes Pietro?" You called back. You felt a gust of wind come through your bedroom door and found Pietro shaking with excitement at the end of your festive bed.

"Can we decorate now? Pleaaase!?" He begged.

"Ask Steve, he's in the gym-" Before you could finish there was a gust of air and he was gone. You signed as you heard the shrieks of people he whizzed past downstairs. All of a sudden, you were picked up and thrown on the sofa, harshly. Your book was thrown in the corner next to the crystallised flower pots Wanda brought, you huffed as you realised you had lost your page.

Pietro however, had watching the mini snow globe sparkle after he shook it, his eyes glistening with excitement and reflecting in the glass. Wanda can through the door way while brushing of her white dusted hands, an aroma of sweetness followed her. She looked at Pietro with the boxes of decorations around him, and then her eyes landed on you.

"Are ve putting the decorations up now??" She asked with the biggest grin. You sighed, and nodded. She rushed down to help her brother move the large white box of tree decorations, and beat him to the star.

The tree was artificial, after Steve decided that it would easily get burned or damaged, probably both. The tinsel went first, Pietro twisted it around the top of the tree while you went around the bottom. You ducked under his arms and laughed as you bumped into each other on the way around, and he stole a kiss when his sister wasn't looking. Next was the blue and silver baubles. Wanda had sorted them out in order of what was going where. They were roughly the same size, they all had crystallised pictures on that were snowflakes or Santa's. After that you got out a grey box with ribbon sewn on around the sides. Inside was your own customised ornaments for everyone. A shield for Steve, a fist for Bruce, an iron man suit for Tony and so on. You all placed then on the tree and stood back to admire your handy work.

"It's amazing guys" You tell them.

"It's beautiful" A voice said from behind you. You all turned to see the others at the door, with festive hats so you had to hold in your laughter.

"But you did it without us!" Clint cried.

"You guys can take a break, we can take it from here." Steve said.

And they set to work. Steve took Bruce, Thor, Falcon, Bucky and Loki to set up the other decorations and lights. Nat and Clint were putting the stockings on the fireplace and laying the fire while Tony set up the train set on the floor, Wanda went to help him. You and Pietro were in the doorway watching, he held your hand softly as it was gonna break .

"Thank you Printzessa. This might be the only Christmas so far, but I know it will be the best." He spoke softly. Your heart melting at the sincerity.

"I'm sure we can top this next year. We can get a bigger tree!" You said to him. The tree was only small this year.

"Maybe we can..." He trailed off. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small bit of crumpled mistletoe. He raised it above your heads and smirked before leaning down and kissing you softly on the lips. Your arms snaked around his neck while he curled an arm around your waist.

You were pulled apart by the sound of Tony's train whistling. Tony and Wanda yelled out in surprise while the others laughed at them. You giggled at Wanda's face before turning back to Pietro.  He dipped back down and kissed you again, this time, with no mistletoe.




I KNOW I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGES! But I'm backkkkkk. It's so close to Christmas and MY BIRTHDAY. My birthday is on Christmas eve and I want everyone to comment a Christmas message, and give me requests!! Remember to vote! I love you all!

bye guyssss- Amy

See the song? Ariana is bae. End of conversation.

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