Pick up lines they used

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Captain America: "My Shield can block anything, but it couldn't block you from getting to my heart."

As you can tell, he had a bit of help from Clint. But you found it adorable.

Iron Man: "You light up my world like nobody else."

You knew what he meant, but you could help but laugh as he quoted One direction lyrics.

Hulk: "You've smashed your way into my heart."

He said this after 'the other guy' made an appearance, it melted you.

Hawkeye: "You know, the longest arrow I have isn't in my quiver"

He got slapped, then you laughed.

Black widow: "I think you'll find it shocking he flexible I am."

You went bright red, and you were with your parents.

Thor: "I'm the best swinger in town"

You laughed, and cried, and laughed some more. Poor Thor didn't understand so you had to explain it to him. He said he would have to 'have a talk with Brother Anthony', that made you laugh harder.

Loki: "Did you use my scepter? Because you're taking over my heart."

It was very random, but sweet.

Wanda: "Are you an orphanage? Cause I wanna give you kids."

Blame the science bros...

Pietro: "Every time I look at you, the world slows down."

Pietro isn't one for being sweet, but this was the best thing he ever said to you.

Bucky: "Even if they wiped me, I wouldn't forget a pretty face like yours."

You frowned at first, with the thought of them wiping him again, but smiled and kissed him for the cheesiness.




I HIT 10K!!!! Thank you to everyone who read and viewed everything so far, I appreciate it so much! But, I am running out of ideas so can you please suggest some in the comments for me, that would be great! Remember to vote!!!!

bye guysssss- Amy

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