What pet you have

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Captain America: Golden retriever

You and Steve had wanted to get a dog ever since you saw Pepper had brought a Labrador, named Bella. You fell in love with the puppy the minute you met, and Steve saw how happy you looked and fell in love with it to. You walked past the same pet shop everyday with Steve but one day something was different, there was a new addition. A small golden retriever was sitting in the window of the shop, he was only a few weeks old and was for sale. You begged Steve to get it and he agreed, you brought it home and decided to name it Bubbles. Why? Because it was always happy and bubbly, Steve still isn't keen on the name though.

Iron Man: American shorthair cat

Your Auntie had a Cat that gave birth to a small litter of kittens, they were all sold quickly except for one. You had visited the cat as you were looking for someone to keep you company while Tony worked. Tony went with you, reluctantly, and eventually agreed to get the cat for you. Your auntie didn't charge you and gave you the stuff you needed for free, which made Tony happy. After a few days with him, you had decided on a name. The cat was lazy, always hungry and wanting cuddles, and it got in the way of most things. So you called him Tony Jr, much to Tony's displeasure.

Hulk: Two tortoises

Bruce didn't like animals that much, he said they would just annoy him. But you wanted one so bad that he gave in, but said nothing to big. You set up a tank with all the things in, and put the little guys in there for when Bruce gets home. You wanted him to name them, as you picked them out, and once he got home he did. Charlie and Lola, don't know why, but eventually he grew quite attached to them.

Hawkeye: Bunny

This may seem strange, but Clint LOVED bunnies. It was his birthday so you decided to get him a baby white rabbit, you have never seen someone so happy. He squealed when he saw it, yes squealed, and forgot all about his other presents. He called it arrow, not because of him, but the bunny had a small mark on his back that looked like an arrow.

Black widow: Guinea pig

She hated animals, you loved them. Eventually she gave in and let you have pick something, but she wasn't expecting you to pick a guinea pig. You picked up a light orange one with a white cross across her face. She didn't know what to do with it, when she first held her she just kind of poked her, which she did not appreciate. She warmed up to her, and when your not around she will stroke it and pick her up out of her cage, you ended up calling her Luna.

Thor: Fish

You didn't trust Thor with pets, mainly because of an incident with a load of stray cats that wandered onto the farm. Thor almost killed them all, but they scratched him up pretty bad, since then its been no pets. Until one day you took him to an aquarium, he didn't want to leave. Seeing him like that melted your heart so you went and brought a load of different fish, you got a colourful tank to put them in and got SpongeBob themed ornaments to put in there. He absolutely loves them, and keeps coming home with new ones, you might need a bigger tank...

Loki: Black cat

You had this cat before you met Loki, she was a stray that you found when you first started at the library. Loki met her and now the two are always together, you find it adorable. You and Loki could be cuddling on the sofa and she would curl up on his lap, all three of you would fall asleep in no time. Her name is Allie.

Wanda: Budgies

Wanda brought these home one day, one problem, you don't like birds. You freaked out when you saw these, but she wouldn't get rid of them. One was quick and always flying around and the other was always shouting at the other to slow down. Since they were both boys, you called them Pietro and Clint, they hate it but they can't change it.

Pietro: Hamster

He wanted a dog, you said no. He wanted a parrot, you said no. You said no to everything except a hamster, you said 'I'll think about it' and he took this as a yes. So when you got home, he was in front of the cage watching the hamster spin in his wheel, you went ballistic. He looked like a child being scolded by his mother. But you let him keep it, and he named it sonic, because he was so fast.




Long time I know, school is keeping me busy. Vote comment and all that jazz.

bye guysssss- Amy

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