First kiss

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Captain America: Being the old fashioned man Steve is, he waited until the third date before you kissed. You were walking back to your place with him after Steve set up a picnic for you on a hill over looking New York, it was beautiful. Steve had the blanket and basket in one hand and your hand in the other. You were almost at Stark towers, Steve was telling you story's about when he was fighting in WW2, you loved history so you loved hearing story's about his time in the war. Once you reached your floor in the tower he stopped and turned to face you.
"Thank you for coming out with me, I hope we can do it again"
"I hope so, I love going out with you."
The two of you said nothing for a while and you both found yourselves leaning in. He stopped half way and said "May I kiss you?", You nodded and continued leaning in. He cupped your cheek and you placed a hand on his chest. Your lips finally found each others and it was bliss, it was like 1000 volts of electricity went through your lips causing them to be numb with pleasure. You pulled back after what seemed like forever staring into each others eyes, both of you missed the feeling. He leaned down to your ear and whispered in your ear: "May I do that again, ma'am?" you pushed off you toes to meet him for another, while putting your arms around his neck. He was shocked but wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you back.

Iron Man: Tony wanted to kiss you when he first saw you, but he waited until you were ready or when he thought you were ready. For your second date, you made him dinner at your house. When you finished dinner, you retired to the couch with a bottle if wine and movies. After trying to decide what movie to watch you settled on Ted first and then Dirty dancing. When you bent over to put the DVD in, you could feel Tonys eyes looking where there not supposed to look. You quickly returned to your seat next to Tony while glaring at him.
"What? It's not my fault your beautiful in every possible way" He said with a smirk, causing a blush to spread across your face. You put your head down to hide the blush, allowing your hair to fall in front of your face.
"Hey, look at me." Tony said lightly pulling your chin up to face him. He looked deep into your (Y/E/C) orbs and started leaning in, he grabbed the back of your head letting his hands get tangled in your hair. Your lips met hungrily and tore each other to pieces, after a few minutes you pulled back for air.
"You really are beautiful, don't forget that" he told you.

Hulk: After you became official, he took you to the movies to celebrate. Nothing fancy and nothing to casual, plus this was an opportunity to put his arm around you and hopefully kiss. He got rid of his lab coat and fixed his appearance to look less smart while he waited for you to get ready, once you where ready you linked hands and walked down to the cinema. You brought the snacks while Bruce chose the movie and brought the tickets. He didn't tell you what he chose until you were in the seats and it was about to begin, he chose the Fault in our Stars, a film you've been dying to see.
When it got to the part Hazel finds out she's going to Amsterdam, Bruce had his arm around you and you had your legs over his knee. He wasn't paying attention because he was too busy looking at you, you look up to see him looking down on you. You take the opportunity to reach up and peck his lips. He immediately starts to kiss back, when you pull back you rest your head on his shoulder and go back to the film.

Hawkeye: You had just finished your work for the day and were just lounging around on your chair with your feet propped up in your desk. In your hand was one of Clint's arrows that he had left when he brought in his bow to be looked at. Speaking of Clint, he walked into your workshop with hope that you had finished your work, a smile grew on his face when he saw you were finished. He happily skipped towards your desk with a smirk plastered in his face and sat in the chair opposite you, you looked up from the arrow with raised eyebrows.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked, the smirk not leaving his face. You placed the arrow on the desk in front of him, he grabbed it and examined it carefully, there were small engravings on the head of the arrow that made a small but detailed engraving of Clint. Slowly, his smirk faded into a smile while he twisted the head to the other side and saw a small picture of you. You put your head down and let your hair fall in front of your face, you were a little embarrassed that Clint was seeing it but you were glad he was smiling at it. He looked up at you and saw you.
"Look at me, (Y/N)" he tells you, you look up at him and find him leaning across the table coming closer to you. You start to lean across the table to meet him halfway, as you realized what he was trying to do. Your lips meet and you melt into each other, your lips move in perfect sync and your hands reach up to cup each others faces. You stayed like that until fury called Clint on his phone and demanded he stopped kissing you at work, and that was also the day you found out where the security cameras were.

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